Mar 28, 2013


Here's a list of oxymorons:

There's no such thing as bisexual....they might like both sexes but if you're a man or a woman, and engage in sexual acts with the same sex, or have tendencies to let your partner perpetrate a sexual act upon you such that one of the same sex would to one of the opposite sex, THATS GAY/LESBIAN

Theres no such thing as a PO PIMP, all the real pimps I know HAVE $$$$$....YOU'RE JUST A SIMP

The wordQUEEN *ITCH does not go together; sorry to bust the bubble of all women who call yourselves divas, bad *itches and queen *itches; EITHER U A *ITCH OR U A QUEEN, REAL MEN KNOW THE DIFFERENCE; *ITCHES DONT GET ROYAL TREATMENT; PLEASE LEARN THIS.

FAKE THUGS aren't thugs, they're just FAKE....

Fake ballers....real $$$$$ shows itself....FAKE GETS EXPOSED....


I'm an independent WOMAN looking for a RELATIONSHIP....DUH!!!! INDEPENDENT signifies you want to be single, and undermines the relationship....EITHER YOU WANT A MAN OR YOU DON'T!!!!...##CUT IT OUT LADIES


Chicago Bulls End Miami's 27-Game Streak

Ok, how can a superstar team like Miami lose to a short-handed Bulls squad? Think about it, Miami was fully-stacked: Wade, Bosh, James, Shane Battier, Ray Allen, etc. Miami has too many players that can come off the bench at any given day and drop 20 or more on opponents. Chicago Bulls were short-handed: Rose was out, Rip Hamilton out and a list of other players were injured. If you're riding a 27-game win streak, YOU DON'T LOSE TO A SHORTHANDED TEAM. If anything, the mere fact the Bulls were shorthanded should've been reason enough for Miami to make Chicago victim 28. Last night's loss proved that you can't underestimate ANYONE. Miami has had to battle back to win their games, and unfortunately, they couldn't do that against Chicago. You cannot fall behind too many times, and expect to come back and win. Some teams won't have that. Chicago has given Miami fits ever since they've played each other, and yesterday's game was no different. Chicago had leads, and squandered them. Miami came close, but Chicago held them off in the final minutes to eke out a victory. Chicago better get all the wins they can, because in the playoffs (if they make it), it's over. Miami has nothing to be ashamed of, because they have accomplished something few teams could: Racked up 27 wins, putting them in 2nd place for longest streak in NBA history. I'm still proud of the Heat. They still have the best record in the league, their division and they can lose the next few games (which they won't) and still make the playoffs. At the end of the game, the Heat immediately left the arena. It's not bad sportmanship, they had every right to be upset. If my 27-game win streak was snapped, the LAST thing I want to do is extend congratulations.

Mar 27, 2013

Is It Our Business?

Is It Our Business when politicians have affairs? Yes and No. Yes, because they are in a position of authority and are supposed to conduct themselves in & out of office. No, because as long as they are doing what they're supposed to do, what they do in their private life is not my concern. That depends on how important it is to know their integrity, morals, values, and honesty. It is difficult to manage/organize another person's house, when yours is in shambles. How we conduct ourselves defines our character. It's said that character is how you act when no one's watching you. It's easy to be upstanding when eyes are on you, but another to maintain your integrity when no one's watching you. When you're tested, are you holding true to your beliefs? The problem is, many politicians act one way in the public eye, and are different when they're alone. In light of politicians being busted for cheating & corruption scandals, I say it's important for voters to know a politician's character. Voters are responsible for getting them in office, so WE have more power than we realize. Let's be honest, politicians are using taxpayers' dollars to be scandalous, so that's more than enough reason to make it our business. I have known some decent politicians (or so it appears) that have been pledged with scandal yet, performed acceptable as politicians. However, I can not deny that there will not be a lack of trust in the back of my mind whether a person who does honor their marriage; would honestly honor and represent voters with more loyalty than his personal marriage commitment.

Double For Your Trouble

Job 42:10-The Message (MSG)

10-11 After Job had interceded for his friends, God restored his fortune—and then doubled it! All his brothers and sisters and friends came to his house and celebrated. They told him how sorry they were, and consoled him for all the trouble God had brought him. Each of them brought generous housewarming gifts.
Job 42:10 speaks of God giving Job double for his trouble. Job had experienced great loss, and as a result of his loss, he interceded for his friends. God honored his prayer by restoring his fortune, AND doubling it in the process. Anything we go through in life, whether it's through no fault of our own or God-ordained, God will give his children double for their trouble. If someone is going through a fiery trial, this is helpful because it keeps you focused on trying to get to the other side. Otherwise, what's the use of going through a fiery trial for no payoff? There's no benefit in that. I'm believing God to give ME double for my trouble, because I've been through so much in my life. It was easier to quit, but I'm too stubborn to do so! God will give his children double for their trouble, if they just hold on. It's easier said than done, because you have periods where the situation gets worse and gradually improves; and periods where you are seeing a change in your situation. It takes a wise person to know which category they're in. Job 42:10 is one of the most encouraging scriptures I can read, because it keeps me focused. It helps me to continue trusting God for deliverance. When you read Job 42:10, the thought of giving up doesn't cross your mind, and if it does, you rebuke that thought. I don't know about you, but I would rather hang in there until the end and get my breakthrough, then quit and have to start over. Negative.

Mar 26, 2013

It's A Cold World, Pt.2

A continuation of It's A Cold World
It's A Cold World
When men look at a woman's curves, rather than her heart
It's A Cold World
A Woman can mess up a man's life by uttering the word "rape" or "he hit me"
It's A Cold World
That Adam & Eve were responsible for sin entering the world
It's A Cold World
When blacks who are law abiding and strive to excel in life, are called white or sellouts
It's A Cold World
That some people have a good start in life, and others have to work harder to get the same opportunities
It's A Cold World
When God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers
It's A Cold World
That a faithful and obedient Christian, can struggle with a disability or illness their entire life, and get healed in heaven.
It's A Cold World
When marriage doesn't carry the same appeal it used to
It's A Cold World
When negativity is all too prevalent in the media
It's A Cold World
When you can be fired with or without cause, because of some stupid employment clause
It's A Cold World
That your enemies are doing better than you, even though you will not resort to illegal activity to get ahead
It's A Cold World
When people are judgmental, yet get upset when you judge them.

It's A Cold World

This poetry came off the top, and is a reflection of the sad world we live in. Let's Get It.
It's A Cold World
When mothers are left to raise kids on their own
It's A Cold World
When marriages end without cause
It's A Cold World
That the autism crisis is 1 in 88 (1 in 54 for boys)
It's A Cold World
That blacks have the odds stacked against them throughout life
It's A Cold World
That black men are shooting each other over blocks they don't own
It's A Cold World
When people who want & need jobs, can't get a job
It's A Cold World
When the homosexual agenda is raging forward
It's A Cold World
That it's open season on Christianity, but other religions get a pass
It's A Cold World
When children are no longer safe at school, because they have to worry about being mowed down
It's A Cold World
When you are praised for acting a fool, than doing right
It's A Cold World
To see people suffer with disabilities
It's A Cold World
That kids are bullied to the point of suicide
It's A Cold World
When laws are slighted against men
It's A Cold World
That women focus more on a man's "swag" & looks, then a man's drive/ambition, and moral character.
It's A Cold World
That people would go with the flow, than stand for their beliefs.
Yep...It's definitely a cold world out there, so put on your hoodie and bundle up.

Mar 25, 2013

What's The Point, Pt. 2

This is a continuation of my previous topic. I closed out with Isaiah 5:20, which states: Doom to you
who call evil good
and good evil,
Who put darkness in place of light
and light in place of darkness,
Who substitute bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter!
What that scripture is saying is that good would be called bad, and bad be called good. The times we are living in are proof positive of that. Stand up for what you believe in, when status quo says you should stay on hush status or be shamed. Negativity is too prevalent in order to enjoy the beauty. Beauty cannot co-exist with ugly. We cannot enjoy or focus on the positive as long as we continue perpetuating foolery. Those who stand up for ratchetness use deflective tactics to get rationed folk to stop addressing the issues, and I will not be moved. In fact, it makes me bolder to know I'm shaking things up. If other people want to be cowards, let them. We cannot go back to allowing those destructive blacks to perpetuate what they do more comfortably. Otherwise, things will only get dramatically worse. That would be similar to giving up on positivity and everything good completely. Let those that feel the sting of being shamed in the spotlight, squirm and holler. God is waking people up, and those people should not be comfortable in a messed up, backwards, sinful society. The more outspoken will lead the way. Those people that stand against the ones that are telling the truth, should be made to feel as uncomfortable as possible. They need to realize that this ridiculousness must not continue. You have Facebook pages like The Beauty Of Black Relationships that catch major hell for telling it like it is regarding the dismal state of the black community. The delivery is harsh, but that's what it's going to take to wake the black community up. Time out for powdering behinds.

What's The Point?

♥Do you really believe that we should just start focusing on the positives of Black People & just start leaving the fools & bums & lowlifes to their own devices? Because I have seen criticism of the pages like "The Beauty of Black Relationships" & even on MY page many people are getting upset because they feel like people act like Black people are the "Only race with issues" which we KNOW that is not the case but why can't the issues of black people be spoken without hypersensitive folk thinking we are being "Uncle Toms, Uncle Ruckuses, House Niggers, Self Haters, Racists" etc..Sometimes I feel like "What's the point?" Because that type of thing seems to be more common now than it has EVER been & it's like most of our people are comfortable with living a life of foolery...They don't want to believe they have issues, they are ignorant to their own problems & refuse to realize it..So why even bother?♥
My View: This is a spinoff of yesterday's topic. Nonetheless, I've wondered this myself; What's The Point? What's the point of taking a stand for righteousness and people don't want to hear it? There's an unspoken rule you are not to broadcast black folks' issues. Hypersensitive people are catching feelings thinking sensible blacks are Uncle Toms, Sambos, House Niggers, etc. It seems many people are comfortable in foolery. Why would they be? They're used to it, they think nothing of carrying on like the mess isn't wrong. They deny their issues, they are ignorant to their own problems & refuse to realize it, So why bother? There's a saying that rings true: If you reach one person, you've done your job. That's true for a lot of mentors and others who work with at-risk youth or inner-city kids. You're not going to reach everyone, but if you reach one person, that's one less person going down the wrong path. The ones who want to do right, must be encouraged; those who don't, get their just desserts. I'm quick to give praise where it's due, but sometimes we (myself included) have to be shaken, rattled and rolled into action. Anyone who wants to do better, will improve regardless of how the message is relayed. Sometimes, the message needs to be raw & uncut in order to get people's attention, since that's all most people understand anyway. Get down on their level. The Bible does mention the good would become bad, and bad become good. You get more praise acting a fool, than doing right.

Mar 24, 2013

Ratchet & Hypersensitive

You know, it never ceases to amaze me how some people can be ratchet, but hypersensitive. What I mean is that some folks act all kinds of crazy, but when they're exposed, they catch feelings. You were bold when you were being ratchet, but now you want to bellyache? Where they do that at? If you're going to be ratchet, that's your right; be prepared to take all the criticism you bring on yourself. A butt whooping isn't supposed to feel good. Just like you're brave enough to act a donkey, be brave enough to take the criticism; that's all I'm saying. There were times when I've been ratchet, and when I'm called out for it, I've been hypersensitive. I've had to remember that if I'm bold enough to act crazy, I'm bold enough to take the criticism that comes with it. What it boils down to is this: Some people are so used to being ratchet, it's second nature for them. Nobody in their lives has laid the verbal smackdown on them so when someone comes along that won't powder their butts, they can't handle it. They get hypersensitive and play the victim role. I see this all the time on Facebook and in real life. In real life, I don't do nothing but shake my head and watch them embarrass themselves. They're grown, they should know they're not acting appropriate. Honestly, I'm sick of ratchet folks pulling the hypersensitive card every time someone calls them out on their behavior. You may not like the correction, but correction is like medicine: It's painful at first, but will get you well in the end. Isn't that what we all want? But hey, who am I to try to help someone? If people want to walk off the cliff, let them. When they hit rock bottom, oh well. *Kanye Shrug*

Mar 22, 2013

Random Thoughts

Sounds about right to me.

Change For Me, I'm Not Changing For You

Status Update: By Jerome Iownamerica Bolden
*Women want to change you, but dont want to change for you. They'll tell you to take them as they are...LOL!
Isn't that how it usually goes? Some women are good for that, they try to mold men into their ideal mate, but if he flips the script, it's a problem. It seems that some women have no hang-ups about trying to change a man, but when he tries to change her, all hell breaks loose. If you expect someone to change, be willing to change. It goes both ways. I don't mean changing the core of who you are in order to be accepted, I mean if you have someone that's dedicated to your growth & development, why wouldn't you change? That's what helps you become a better person. You can't change anyone, they must make that decision. Going further, why bother changing someone? If you don't like their personality & character, exit stage left. You're probably doing them a favor, because they can look for someone who closely fits what they're looking for. This goes for MEN & WOMEN.

Mar 21, 2013

Men: The Difference Between Simping & Loving Your Woman

A lot of men get confused between simping, and showing your woman love. Many men believe that simping is respecting your woman who goes out of her way to keep him happy. That's not the case. Here is more gospel from Stop Simping Movement:
You're not a simp or simping because you love your women.

Stop with all that!

I see brothers say they have a woman and they Simp to her sometimes & really you don't know what a simp is.

You aren't a simp for loving a woman or giving her gifts, treating her special etc.

You're a simp when you're doing for a woman WHO IS NOT, I repeat NOT your woman & doesn't care about you.

If you're in a relationship and you're doing most of the loving and respect, gift giving then you're henpecked brah, basically a simp in a relationship or a simp in a tux if you're married. A Simp with a wedding ring. You're not a rare Pokemon and your woman caught you.

Love, respect and Treating someone special should be done EQUALLY. For it to be 100/70 is pretty much simping.

If the woman is not your woman than it's 100/0 and you're 100% simping brah. If you got a woman who's trying to make you happy how is it simping? (Rhetorical).

Another thing is, dudes are out here messing up the game by treating brawds any kind of way, & she's giving the dude 100% cooperation & submission you put a black eye on the game by firing a woman for bull.

Back on the OG topic, it's cool to love a woman trying to make you happy, breathe easy.

How can you not love a woman trying to make you happy? She treats you like her king, your happiness is paramount to her.

Dudes out here be falling head over heels for hoes & smuts who can't buy you a Burger and shake. Women make no type of investment in you, & you ready to waltz down the aisle. Ain't that some mess? She doesn't love you or show you any kind of respect at the very least, she has done no kind of actions to back up her mouth. DROP THAT WOMAN!! Fire her.

Loving a woman who loves you and makes you happy isn't pandering or simping.

Long as she is doing what's she is supposed to do...

You can love your woman.

Leave the women who don't care about you to the birds.

Manhood: By Stop Simping Movement

This was too good NOT to share. Some men have lost their way as to what manhood is all about. This brother here laid the smack down on these soft men.
I'll leave you all with this...

Manhood is not defined by what you do for women or how you treat women. You could be the baddest man on the entire planet, and still be a man.

Manhood is defined by the individual. The man. Not women. Women don't know nothing about manhood. Responsibility & being accountable for your actions are part of manhood, and I really can't take women who mismanaged their private parts seriously on responsibility & accountability. Especially, if you're a woman who has children outside of wedlock, and says it takes two to tango. When it comes time for you to take your share of the blame, & think you can raise men. You don't know the first thing about responsibility, otherwise you would have done it right the first time, moving on.

Manhood is defined by you standing on your principles. Being honorable, no cowards allowed. Respecting yourself as a man, if it doesn't sit well within your gut, don't do it, trust your gut. Having some balls, no second guessing yourself son. Walking like a man no matter what comes your way, you look it in the eyes, you continue to stare into the abyss, while everyone else looks away. Handle your responsibilities, never run unless it's to live to fight another day & when that day comes, you fight better and stronger than ever. Value yourself as a man. Some of these women don't deserve to be carriers of our children. Stick by your word, be truthful, only liars are fearful.

Be the best in the world at what you do. Don't compromise the man for anybody, stand on your on two feet & stand on your principles. Forget society, it is your father who abandoned you when you needed it most. Society favors it's daughters and not us, it's sons but it's ok. We never needed a society. A sence of intense passion rushes over the man who can say; "Forget it, forget being accepted, I am my own man, I am only worried about me, and those who are with me, I am the man" as you walk down the street with this knowledge in tow, you may start to get a cocky grin. I know I do.


Mar 20, 2013

The REAL Reason Why People Cheat

People cheat because there's someone willing to cheat with them. It has nothing to do with insecurities or the grass being greener on the other side. There it is, the TRUTH. People come up with all kinds of reasons for someone cheating: (S)he wasn't emotionally available, they're never home, she works too late, he spends more time with his friends, etc. Their excuses have excuses. Some reasons for cheating are valid, but others are baloney. If you're going to cheat, make sure the reason is valid. Don't shuck & jive like like (s)he isn't this, that, and the other. That annoys me to the core when people make excuses for why they cheat. For every person that cheats, there's someone willing to cheat with them. Think about it, could you cheat on your spouse with yourself? Negative. You need a willing participant (usually a complete stranger). You and another person go on a few dates, get to know each other. Both of you open up to each other about relationship woes and before you know it, clothes come off and you find yourself in bed with someone else. Just like in arguments, there has to be two participants. One person is not going to argue with themselves, because they will look crazy. Cheating works the same way, it requires two willing participants. Personally, cheating is a waste of time. Why go through all the trouble to cheat on your spouse? If you're not happy, LEAVE. There's nothing like leaving a relationship with your head held high, knowing you did everything possible to make the relationship work, but to no avail.

New Black Woman=Brazilian Women?

Yesterday, I discussed why Men Delay Marriage. I gave the top reasons why men delay marriage, and I went further by expanding on those reasons. I posted this blog on facebook and it was a hit, drew over 100 responses. As the discussion got deeper, I stated how some black women refuse to do an about face and it's that refusal that will cause black men to look elsewhere. There seems to be a major phenomenon of black men looking for companionship in Brazilian women. Whether it's true that Brazilian women come with less drama remains to be seen, but according to many black men, non-American black woman respect the man's role and has less attitude. I'm not getting into the black men vs. black women wrestling match, because God knows there's more than enough venom spewed on the net about how black men & women aren't worth spit, and so on. Some black women think their degree makes them marriage material, when that's not the case. As stated before, a degree means you have the knowledge & skills to do that job. Many parents and grandparents had longstanding relationships and they didn't have big bank accounts, degrees behind their name or a big house. For some women, their degree is their man and they spend close to a lifetime chasing multiple degrees as a full-time student, aka degree whoring. The most important reason why men delay marriage or not get married, is that there's no benefit for them. It seems like marriage is more for the woman, than the man.
I can't relate to what many men are going through regarding bad American Black women, because I don't check for them. If something is toxic, I stay away from it. I don't want toxicity in my life or around me, period. All this rah-rah about Brazilian women being better than American black women is simply a cover-up for some men. There's something within them that is attracted to these toxic women. Honestly, some men love bad women. They love toxic women just so they can have a reason to whine about how all black women aren't this, that and the other. All non-American black women aren't docile like many black men think. Carribean black women are some feisty creatures; a man tries to control them, she don't play that. Yes, some Carribean black women are very submissive, but that's because their men do right by them. As long as a man treats his woman like a queen, he will live like a king. Women, regardless of ethnicity, will not tolerate domineering men. Flipping the script, if some black women are crying about the lack of quality black men, and there's an exodus of successful, upstanding black men to non-American black women, the issue lies with HER, not him. I have to be honest, many black men are abandoning black women because they are sick of trying to school ABW on how to keep good black men. Some have the "take me as I am" mindset and refuse to make the proper adjustments. When the good men are gone, all some black women have are housecats and vibrators. Then what? So keep up the "If we're so bad, leave us alone and get a non-American black woman" attitude. Sadly, some black women will not care. Then they will sit back and wonder where the good black men are, or they'll pray and ask God to send them a good man.

Mar 19, 2013

Why Do Men Delay Marriage?

Why Do Men Delay Marriage?

Studies show men delay marriage because women provide domestic comforts without men having to make real commitments.

1. They can get sex without marriage more easily than in times past.

2. They can enjoy the benefits of having a wife without the commitment of marriage.

3. They want to avoid divorce and its financial risks.

4. They want to wait until they are older to have children.

5. They fear that marriage will require too many changes and compromises.

6. They are waiting for the perfect soul mate and she hasn't appeared yet.

7. They face few social pressures to marry.

8. They are reluctant to marry a woman who already has children.

9. They want to own a house before they get a wife.

10. They want to enjoy single life for as long as possible.

The source is Wedded Bliss
MY VIEW: All of these are spot on as to why men delay marriage or don't marry at all. Let's be honest, there isn't much benefit to a man getting married that he cannot get outside the marriage. Some men used to get married for sexual reasons, but they can get that elsewhere or they could already be sexing their woman, so what's the point of marriage? 3 and 5 are on point because with the divorce rate being 50% for first marriages, why become a statistic if you don't have to? That's silly. 70% of divorces are filed by women, so that tells you women don't value marriage either. Going through a divorce, alimony and child support laws are slighted towards the woman, so 9 times out of 10, the courts rule in favor of the woman. She gets half of everything even though she came into the relationship with nothing. More and more men are detouring some women, meaning they get to know her, and red flags about her character cause him to pump his brakes to go elsewhere. Marriage DOES require compromise & change, something many men refuse to do. Some men want it to be all about them, but it's not, nor should it be. I will admit that some men do more than their fair share of compromise, because a woman's favorite phrase is "A happy wife, is a happy life" That seems to work every time a man puts his foot down. Over time, he begins to feel used and on a fateful day, he lets her have it because he's tired of doing all the work, he's tired of going above and beyond for someone who won't reciprocate. Having said all that, men are realizing that in the long run, marriage doesn't benefit them because the selection of quality women is poo. Many men think like this: If the bad outweighs the good, why get married when you will have more headaches than sunny days? A man's peace of mind is valuable to him (as it should be), and no woman is going to threaten that.

I Want To Be Married, But...

19 hours ago
Admittingly, most black women do want to get married.
Just not like the 50's where men headed households and the woman bore children and tended to the home and was a COMPLIANT co partner.
Today black women want their "independence"
Independence is NOT a component of marriage. It is the KRYPTONITE of ALL MARRIAGES and that is why MOST marriages eventually FAIL. But this doesn't stop the black woman from her desperate and INSANE vigilance to MAKE that "independence" work in a marriage.
Black women want marriage but not the obligations marriage entails. To black women, this is imprisonment.... Black women want their freedom to come and go as they damn well please, party like they are 18 until they die, have as many male friends as possible, keep all of their single female friends, and BAIL at a moments notice when her husband DARES to try to get her under control and in compliance with what a marriage truly entails.
She FREQUENTLY refers to these type of men as CONTROLLING or ABUSIVE....
Essentially black women want the "idea marriage" in Image ONLY but REFUSE to succumb to the strenuousness that marriage and maturity entails in realtime.
My View: I don't doubt that most black women do want marriage. They want marriage on their terms. Many women want to be able to rip & run the streets with no accountability, and you can't do that if you're married. When you're married, you give up the I's for Us's. Like my parents used to tell me when I got beside myself, "It's Not All About You." That's what some black women don't understand: You can't desire marriage and expect to live like you're single, it doesn't work like that. There's nothing wrong with being independent in the sense that you can do for self. If you're an able-bodied adult, you should be able to do for yourself. A man's job as the head of his wife is to get her under control, and in compliance with what marriage entails. If a man senses his wife is getting out of order, he reels her back in. He's not controlling her in the sense that he won't let her go out with friends; her husband is trying to get her to comply with a wife's conduct. If a man doesn't let his woman do what she wants, she calls him controlling or abusive. So...a man is supposed to let his woman do whatever she wants with impunity? That doesn't work on strong, seasoned men. Only simps allow their woman to run amok. To some black women, accountability equals imprisonment because some black women aren't used to structure. They're used to having their way, and if a man won't let a woman have her way, she throws a tantrum. Eventually, the man gives in and she's able to roam free. You cannot desire marriage and freedom at the same time.

Mar 18, 2013

Black Men Stop Being Slaves To Your D***!

Why do some black men think with the OTHER head instead of the one attached to their shoulders? It's silly. A while ago, I read a story about a father who molested his young daughter (she was 12 at the time). The son came out in bad shape because the genetics were too close. Anyone in the medical field knows that incest is frowned upon, because of genetic problems. The father has no remorse. In a way, I understand why black women grow up scarred and mean: The black men in their lives have sexed them from an early age. These nasty-a$$ men are that sick in the head, they are so thirsty to where they are raping their own seeds to satisfy some sick craving for sex! Most people think it's white people that rape & molest their own children, but that's not true. Blacks do it as well, it's just not talked about as much. This is a sick world we live in, and as an uncle of two adorable nieces, THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL I WILL PUT MY NIECES IN HARM'S WAY! I don't play that. This is my issue with black men as a whole: THEY ARE TOO THIRSTY! They are willing to throw away everything they've got going for themselves over vagina. Businesses have been lost, because he's trying to sex his administrative assistant who happens to be an attractive, 30-something, shapely woman. Back in Biblical times, Samson allowed his other "head" to get the best of him. He tells Delilah the secret to his strength, she chops off his hair, he's thrown in prison, and the rest is history. Samson is a good example of a thirsty man that let his d*** get the best of him. Tiger Woods is another example. He had a good woman by his side, and threw it away over some vagina. I tell myself this all the time, I thank God I'm not thirsty for sex like a lot of these men, or I would be down bad. If a group of men get together for a guys night out, what's the first thing they ask? Where's the women. 9 times out of 10, some of them are going to be trying to sleep with her. Some black men make me sick. These men are quick to say "My baby mama isn't nothing", but they slept with her. If a man sleeps with a woman, and she has a baby by him, he dogs her out because she put him up for child support, WHAT DOES THAT MAKE HIM? Obviously, he liked what's between her legs if he decided to hit that.

My Education Makes Me Better Than You

Ladies...we dont care nothing about your academic/professional accolades/title that yall think we are "supposedly" intimidated by; ask the many of the rest of your 'types' that still DOESNT & CAN'T BAG A MAN :) — with
My View: This is an issue many men have with women. Women love to tout how they have this & that education (which is good), but conduct-wise, they have nothing to show for it. When a man is strong enough to check a woman, she throws out belligerence: You hate your mother, your gay, you hate women, etc. It's nauseous. If she was so educated, why is she carrying on like a project woman? *Crickets & tumbleweeds* I'm proud of everyone that furthers their education because it shows they have the drive to better themselves. Your degree makes you no better than the blue-collar worker at the auto plant, or the Administrative Assistant at the doctor's office. Some women need to get off their high horse thinking that because they're so educated, no one can tell them anything. Some black women think their degrees give them self worth. The only thing a degree shows is that you can finish what you started. It gives you the tools & skills to do the job you're going for, THAT'S IT! Just because some black women have a degree behind their name, they are no better than anyone else, so they need to cut it out. Going further, degrees used to carry weight, but not in this economy. People with Master's Degrees competing for jobs at McDonald's and Wal-Mart, because they can't find a job in their field. What about that degree now? My problem isn't with black women who have degrees, my issue is with some black women who feel as though that Master's or Doctorate puts them in the untouchable group. Like the quote says, many of them still can't bag a man.

Mar 15, 2013

Garbage Can Cooch

Tommy Sotomayor delivers a hard-hitting message to women to stop using their vagina as a trash can. That's exactly what some black women are doing when they give it up to every Tom, Dick & Harry. When she goes on Maury to find out who the baby's father is, the woman gets sympathy while the man is villified. Over 70% of black children are born to single mothers, and of that percentage, those births are by several different men. Some women have children by so many different men, SHE doesn't know who the father is. What does she do? Go on Maury. Hell, no wonder Maury has one of the longest running talk shows; because these garbage can women give him his material. Some black women need to understand that THEY have the power. It's their body, so they decide who they let in and out of it. If a woman is going to lay down with a man, she should at least make him strap up. If he gets upset and leaves, it's a blessing because she dodged a bullet. I have a saying as it relates to this topic: Some women are hot & ready like Little Ceasar's Pizza, $5.38 after tax. Ready to give it up at a moment's notice, and there's no guarantee the food will be that good. The baby is the one who's caught in the middle because (s)he has no idea who their true father is, and the mother won't keep it real with their child to say "I don't know who the father is because I decided to be a loose heffer and part heaven for every man who told me I was beautiful". That's too much like right.


Remember the video I posted about this lady preaching with her boobs out? She's Back again for Pt. 2! This time, Tommy goes slap off on her. I mean, Tommy Sotomayor was in rare form with this one. Aside from the profanity-laced rants, he has a point because how can you portray yourself as a woman of God and you have your breasts out? That's flaw. The cameraman kept zooming in & out so he wouldn't miss those funbags, lol. Sister girl got the girls out for allll to see. If she does have a church, most men aren't going to hear her preach, they're going to look at her ample chest. I'm not going to lie, she is attractive, and if I were married to her, I'd stay cooped up in the house 24-7. God & Breasts? During offering, are we paying tithes or paying for boobs? It's not about the Word if she's intentionally showing her cleavage. Her husband is so lucky to have her because he feels like the luckiest man in the world. If she had herself together, she wouldn't be scraping the bottom of the barrel for men like him. Let's be honest, he's not saying nothing because he likes it! Why would a man have issue with his woman showing her cleavage unless he's benefitting in some way? It's a win-win for him because now more women want to know what he's got to snatch a sex pot like her; not to mention, he's more attractive to other women. Any man that has a woman like this on his arm, is bound to get props from men & women. Every man is wondering "Look at that brother with that fine woman on his arm. How did he pull her?" She is pimping her body in the name of Jesus. So this is what female preachers are doing now?

Mar 14, 2013

The Story Of Adam & Eve

15 hours ago via mobile
In the story of Adam & Eve; I do not care if you believe in the Bible, or if you do not believe in God or if you're not religious.
From a story perspective, follow me for a second.
Eve, is not responsible for the destruction of mankind, Adam is.
Now before you misandrist women get up here liking the post because it appears I am bashing men. I'd keep reading.

In the story Adam was created before Eve and Eve was his help meet, so. That means Adam was in charge of Eve.
He Messed up by eating the apple & not checking Eve. Since he was in charge, he should have put the fear in her not to ever double cross him again.
But- this isn't the first woman to rebel against Adam, no. There was Lilith as well, again this is from the perspective of a story and game.
Lilith rebelled against Adam and refused to submit to him, she wanted to be his equal and or he submit to him.

Adam had an excuse for why she rebelled, they weren't cut from the same cloth. But with Eve, she came from his rib. She was apart of him & his woman. He should have acted like being his woman was a privilege instead of a naive simp, God couldn't help but look at that lame & think "you let your woman punk you?".

Thus Adam & Eve is the story of the greatest simp of all time.
My $.02: God gave Adam dominion over the Garden Of Eden, long before Eve was created. In doing so, Adam assumed responsibility for any good & bad. If Eve was to eat the forbidden fruit, he should've reinforced to Eve that God gave them strict orders not to eat the forbidden fruit. Adam's stupid behind follows Eve and eats the fruit; thus, sin enters the world and that's why life is out of whack. Being a leader is a huge responsibility, you are responsible for those under you and if something goes wrong, it falls on YOU. A good leader selects the right team around them to make him/her look good, while bringing out the best in their subordinates. Yes, Eve was Adam's helper and she bears some responsibility for her role; BUT Adam got the brunt of God's punishment because as the head, he didn't caution Eve about eating the forbidden fruit. Eve came from Adam's rib, she was a part of him & his woman. He should've acted like Eve was a privilege instead of being a naive simp. Adam was too busy simping in order to realize his true responsibility. Some men need to keep this story in mind when they want to deflect blame to the woman. True, she may bear some of the blame (which most women should do when things go awry), but if a man is given charge over a kingdom, and something goes wrong, people look at the leader. When God realized what happened, the first thing Adam said was "The woman you gave me, she told me to eat this forbidden fruit".

Where Is Your ManCard?

Excuse the P word; I found this pic hilarious for obvious reasons. The man wants to go out with his boys and she's trying to keep him from doing so. This picture is symbolic of many henpecked men in today's society: Woman wears the pants in the relationship, man gets his woman's approval for every move. Women can be just as controlling, if not more so, than men. I've always felt that strong women are rarely, if ever attracted to weak men, and that's the bonafide truth. Deep down, strong women want a strong man to check them when they get out of order. In some strange way, she's turned on by that. A normal man wouldn't go for this behavior: A regular man would tell his woman "Look, I'm going out with the fellas, like it or not." and then leave. No story needed, he states his case and leaves. Most strong men don't care about their woman getting upset (unless it's valid); they figure she will get over it, and usually they're right. If a man lets his woman order him around, his mancard should be suspended until he stands up to his woman. Repeated violations of manhood warrant permanent revocation of mancard. I hate to see men bossed around by domineering women. I don't see how ANY self-respecting man could be attracted to a domineering woman. Sure, it may be appealing at first because she's giving him what he wants, BUT it always comes with a price. He's doing her bidding, can't make a move without her approval, etc. Women DO test men. If a woman is testing her man, leave her troubled behind alone! I remember Michelle Obama's radio interview during her first presidency, she stated during the early years of her relationship with Barack, she would test him. Her brother did also. Barack isn't passing, he's failing. Every time he leans in to kiss her, she denies him. Relationships aren't school, where half your grade is based on exams. Even though I pass tests all day, every day, sometimes you want a smooth ride to the top. Tests always have two participants, a taker and administrator. Without someone taking the test, the person giving the test is looking foolish. What are they going to do, test themselves?

Mar 13, 2013

Gay Pastors

1st Gentleman instead of 1st Lady, that's how you know we're living in the end times. The Bible says that men will become lovers of themselves and there will be unnatural affections. It's almost as ridiculous as some gays believing you can be gay & Christian. First & foremost, you can't be gay & Christian because homosexuality goes against God's original design of man & woman. I guess they are trying to attract LGBT members to their church, but this is the wrong way to go about it. I saw this and was like what the what? This is a time for the Joshua generation to rise up. When the righteous do nothing, wickedness prevails. God can't be pleased with this at all. That fire & brimstone is coming full force. This homosexual agenda is serious. It's one thing to inundate children with homosexuality, but when you taint Christianity with homosexuality, then it's a problem. God represents holiness, and I feel this is a mockery of the church as a whole. I don't hate gays, lesbians & transgendered people; they're people just like you & me, but I will never approve of that life. At the same time, I will respect them. I guess since homosexuality has become acceptable in mainstream America, more gays feel comfortable flaunting that lifestyle. I remember when gays had to hide their sexuality because some people wouldn't be too keen on same-sex relationships. This goes to show you that what was once taboo, has now become the norm.

Being Single A Curse?

Everywhere you look, it seems as though people are hooking up left & right. Someone is always trying to find Mr(s.) Right. Humans were made for relationships, I get that. What about taking pride in being single? Last time I checked, before you get into a relationship, you have to learn how to be alone. Being alone allows you to do the work in order to get ready for Mr(s.) Right. There's nothing worse than finding THE ONE and you're not up to snuff. Some people frown upon pre-screening, and say you're making someone jump through hoops. It's not that, it's so you won't waste your & the other person's time. In two dates or less, you should be able to figure out if the person is right for you or not. Not everyone is meant to be together; some people are better off friends. Singles should not allow others to make them feel bad about their marital status. Remember, singles have more of an advantage than married couples: Singles aren't accountable to another person, which leaves them more room to devote to their ambition, personal growth, etc. Singles don't have to deal with another's garbage, and depending on the nature of a person's calling; a relationship may not work for them. Some people are comical to me. Why are you alone? You're a nice guy who's doing well for himself, you need a woman to share your life with, etc. I'm all for finding the right woman, but she's going through a pre-screening process (I expect the same from her): Start off as friends. How we do as friends will determine if we have a future together. If more people pre-screened their mates, divorce would be non-existent. Pre-screening is too much like taking your time; you're desperate to have someone in your life that you'll settle for anything with a pulse. If you can't be happy alone, how do you expect to be happy with someone else?

Mar 12, 2013

Relationships: Don't Apply If You're Not Ready

When I'm on Facebook, I see a lot of photos about relationships. The one that comes to mind is Relationships are like a job, don't apply if you're not qualified. When I think about it, it makes perfect sense. Relationships are like a job interview: One person plays the hiring manager and the other is the prospective employee. The prospective (wo)man is auditioning for the role of significant other. (S)he is asked questions about past relationships, moral character, etc so the chooser has a good idea of how they are. If more people approached relationships from an employment standpoint, there would be a lot more successful relationships. Pre-screening is the key. Look for keywords in their character because the keywords will tell a lot about them. Most times, you don't have to interrogate a person because they will usually let you know who they are right off the bat. They will tell you straight up about themselves. It's up to YOU to determine if you can look past their shortcomings. The old adage is tried & true: What You See, Is What You Get. In relationships, this couldn't be more true because if a person lets you know who and what they are, you have no right to be upset if they aren't up to your standards. THEY told you the real about themselves, and you didn't have the discernment to exit stage left. Many people enter relationships without pre-screening their potential mate, then wonder why the relationship went south. I'll tell you why: They didn't do their due diligence on their desired mate. (S)he may look good, but what else? Will they stay on your team when you hit a losing streak? Are they willing to help you build instead of tear down? Tough questions need to be asked in order to get to know someone. How a person responds to tough questions speaks volumes; their answers show you may have a keeper because they are committed to you through thick & thin. It's easy to discuss your strengths; everybody can do that. It's the weaknesses that gets folk jammed up.

Frustrated: Black American Men In Brazil

Various people have mentioned how American black women are the least desired among races. Whether that's true or not remains to be seen, because I haven't experienced much of what others are talking about. Why is that? I avoid drama queens at all costs, so it spares me from their venom. There are undesirables of all races, not just black women so why are black women being singled out? This documentary sheds light on how many black American men are flocking overseas to Brazil because in their eyes, Brazilian women respect them & don't come with the baggage that American black women do. Again, I've never experienced bad women because I don't give them a chance to infect me with their poison. First offense, I'm gone. I don't have time to love a woman through her nonsense. My peace of mind is far more important than loving a woman through her rough times. If Black American men find love in Brazilian women, more power to them. I like to see happy couples in love, because that gives me hope in knowing that as long as I keep working on myself, the right woman will come along, and bring the best out of me (and vice versa). Many black men have valid reasons for going after Brazilian women, but sometimes it's an excuse. You know, some black men want a woman that says how high when he tells her to jump. Most black women aren't going for that controlling behavior, so they put up resistance. Black men don't like this, so they throw their hands up at sisters and leave them in the dust. Granted, no man wants a combative woman (I don't), but at the same time, many women have a problem with submission to an upstanding guy. He can be honorable & of good moral character, and some women still won't submit to his leadership. Simply put, men need to choose women that are a great fit for them. If he's laid back, choose a laid-back woman. If he's strong, choose a strong woman that will lift him up when he's down. Problem Solved.

Mar 11, 2013

Women's Financial Independence=Lifelong Single?

Women are making major moves everywhere you turn. Women are gaining on (and probably surpassing) men in the executive realm. More women are getting college education at a higher rate than men, etc. It's safe to say that women are getting it in across the board. Is women's financial independence sentencing them to lifelong singledom? That seems to be the case, since most women remain unmarried by choice. It's a given most people want someone who's on their level, nothing wrong with that. I'm making major moves myself, and I want a woman that's on my level. I don't have time to "carry" another adult. They should be able to make their own way the same as I'm doing. It used to be the men who were movers & shakers, but the tide has turned with women doing it big. In my opinion, it's some men's inability to be successful that's the problem. Everyone should have the drive to want to better themselves, but some people are content in mediocrity. I have one life to live, and I'm going to make the most of it. When I'm on my death bed, I want to say: I came, saw & conquered. In layman's terms, I want to go out in style. I admire a woman who can carry herself as a lady, and achieve her goals she set for herself. Independence is not a bad thing, it tells me she is mentally in tune with her affairs and takes care of all of her necessities: financial, family, and spiritual. That's the type of woman all men should seek to stand by their side when they need a strong right hand. Most successful men seek out a likeminded woman because she compliments him & vice versa. They can work on building a dynasty together. Where the problem lies is some successful women try to strong-arm a man into doing her bidding, because she makes more $$$ than him. See, she wouldn't pull that on a man who has his stuff together because he can flip the script on her, letting her know he's got options too.

Am I My Brother's Keeper, Pt. 1

Great commentary by Tommy Sotomayor. He talks about the statement "Am I My Brother's Keeper". Are we our brother's keeper? That depends. If you're doing well for yourself, and your sibling(s) is trying to get to your level, you have a responsibility to help them come up. After all, you know what it's like to struggle for a better life. You can share valuable insight with your sibling(s) that will help them do just as well, if not better than you. At the same time, we really aren't our brother's keeper because too many of us are out for self. "I Got Mine, You Get Yours" is the mentality of most people. It makes sense because everyone should make their own way in life. At the same time, if two siblings grow up in the same house with the same parents; one is going down the wrong path, and the other is doing very well for themselves; the one sibling going down the wrong path CHOSE that road. (S)he could've taken the same path as their sibling, but they didn't, so they expect for the successful sibling to take him along. Look at Lebron James, several black men hang out with him regularly based on his fame & fortune. If the money well dries up, these same men scatter like roaches. What moves are Lebron's posse making on their own? *Crickets* Chris Rock is another example, his brother is Tony Rock. You never see them doing material together, why is that? Most regular successful people and celebrities with siblings feel their siblings would undermine them, so that's why they choose not to bring them on. You can't blame some people for not wanting to work with family, because family can be your biggest downfall; always looking for a handout instead of getting it like you did. If you've made it and your sibling is struggling, you know they're trying their hardest to come up, but can't catch a break, you have an obligation to look out for them. We should be our brother's keeper, but we're not.

Mar 8, 2013

Black Men..It's Your Fault Pt. 2

This is a continuation of Black Men..It's Your Fault Pt. 2

Black Men.. Its Your Own Fault Pt 1

Tommy GOES IN on black men with this one. Many times, black men point the finger at black women, but forget for every finger they point, several are pointing back at them. It's easy to blame someone else for your shortcomings, harder to own up to them. Why? Because that's too much like right. It's too much for someone to admit "I take responsibility for this, that & the other" or "I contributed to this negative event". My thing, people don't want to appear weak; they don't want to be vulnerable, because that would mean admitting (s)he isn't perfect. You're not supposed to be vulnerable with the wrong people, I get that. There are nasty people that will use your information against you, so you have to use discretion in what you reveal. Many of our challenges, we bring on ourselves. It's no different with black men. If black men want to solve many of their dilemmas, all they need to do is the reverse. Simply put, flip the would-be dilemma into a positive event. See how easy that is? Nooooo, some black men deflect just as much, if not more so than women. YES I SAID IT! Black Men are guilty of deflection just like women are. The first time a man lays down with a woman, and she gets pregnant; the first thing he says is "That Baby isn't mine" or "She offered the cookies and I ate" Just because someone offers, that doesn't mean you have to accept. Looking at the state of black men, many of them have NO RIGHT to call themselves kings. Think about it: exterminating each other in record numbers, fill up prisons, less likely to graduate college, etc. Are those behaviors kingly? I THINK NOT. A King conducts himself in the highest fashion; he has very high moral standards, because others are looking up to him. So black men, if you're going to refer to yourself as king, make sure you act as such.

Mar 7, 2013

Willing Participant

Why is it that women want me to talk about the lack of discipline that men have, all these babies that they are making, and all these women they are "running through", but get upset when I make a point to say that same lack of discipline also resides in women, because how else would a man be able to make all these "babies" if all these wombs weren't available to him? How else would a man be undisciplined, unless he was dealing with an undisciplined woman? How else would men be able to run through women, if women weren't passing their wombs like batons in a track meet? I mean really. If you want to know why all these men are able to do all those things, instead of asking them...why not ask the WOMEN that allow it by giving these men permission? I just love how I am told that Women are the source of everything, how we are the life force, you know all the stuff that makes being the source sound good, until I use this situation as an example, then all of sudden we aren't the source of everything lol. Which one is it? You can't be the source when it's admirable and convenient, but want to run when being the source places you in a less than favorable light.
My View: I've said it before, and I will say it again. People do what you allow. There's always a willing participant, someone who offers the opportunity and a taker. Always have been and always will be. If men weren't going to the coochie bank, the woman's womb would have to shut down. Just like businesses can't survive without customers, the source can't survive without a willing participant. Women are the source of everything, life included. A man will always go as far as a woman lets him. It baffles me that women get upset when one of their own calls them out, but think nothing of it when they let men run up & through them. Some women should be upset at these men who hit & run. A real man seeks out a disciplined woman. A disciplined woman respects herself enough to give it up to the right man. It's like a used car: The more mileage, the more problems that vehicle will have. It's the same with some women, the more men they let in HER house, the more these men are going to eat her out of house & home. Sooner or later, she will have nothing left to give to a good man who comes into her life. The bitterness she carries as a result of feeling used; she expects future men to pay for her mistakes. If a woman chastises one of her own, it's out of love & respect. She respects her fellow sister enough to want the best for her. She doesn't want her fellow sister to become a statistic. If some women want to be treated as sperm banks, let them.

Look Ma, No Hands

Nojma Reflects
Ok, Let's see if I Got It. First you tell me that the Black Woman is "strong" because she has to hold it down, because the man that SHE chose turned out to be a shiftless bum(let her tell it), and how she is Independent, intelligent beyond comprehension, she is the new age woman, she doesn't need a man to do anything for her, but wait for it......when it comes to men, well the men that "dog" her out, she all of a sudden becomes defenseless, and incapable of comprehension or discernment.

It seems to be instantaneous. I mean how does this "strong, independent, lettered woman" turn into this helpless creature?

I mean is she not coherent when HER virtue is being slid down HER waistline by HER OWN hands? I she having an out of body experience when SHE is laying on HER back? Ummm is she not cognizant when she parts heaven for him, signaling an invitation? During the "act" is she not aware of what is taking place? I mean TWO lay down, but some how, some way, when they BOTH rise, only ONE holds the consequences of the actions of BOTH?

So....during all this time that she is on her back, she is unaware, about what's going on in HER womb.....but isn't it amazing how AFTER she is so called dogged out, she IMMEDIATELY snaps out of that zombie like state, and miraculously she remembers everything bad that HE did?

Man...eff a thought he was a great escape artist? Puleeze! You haven't seen a great escape artist or a master illusionist until you see a woman "escape" accountability!

***look Ma! No hands!***
My View: What comes to mind is the famous saying, "The Devil Made Me Do It" or "I accidentally fell between his legs" LOL! So you mean to tell me a spell made you sleep with him? Deflection is not the move. If a man pulled this stunt, he would be clowned and be forced to man up and take responsibility. When you have two people who lay down with each other, BOTH are at fault. Someone gives an opportunity, the other capitalizes. It's that simple. Some women are good at playing the helpless role, they deserve a Grammy. Women are very skilled at playing the damsel in distress when it comes to situations like this. She was strong & independent before she parted heaven for him, but now she's the damsel in distress. I Got It. Anything to escape accountability, right? Shakes Head.

Mar 6, 2013

Henpecked Men

STOP Simping Movement
Hen Pecked is when you're married doing simp stuff.
Taking verbal abuse from your wife, nagging. You follow your wife's rules & curfew (I'm laughing as I write this). Generally, your wife looks more like the man of the house than you.
Examples of a hen pecked man would be fictional characters like: Doug from King & Queens. Raymond from Everybody Loves Raymond.
Real life Hen pecked men were, and are cats like Seal & Kobe Bryant. Anybody in a relationship with Superhead. Most married men in relationships on Social Media.
The word of today is Hen Peck. cluck, cluck.

My $.02: Just about all of this is true. Let's be clear: Being henpecked IS NOT doing whatever it takes to keep your lady happy, if you really care for her. That's what a man's supposed to do, move heaven & earth to keep his woman happy. If a man is scared to stand up to his woman, he's henpecked. If a man allows his woman to overtalk him, or otherwise emasculate him, he's henpecked. Anytime a man compromises his manhood to gain the approval of women, he's a simp. Here's the catch: Most times, his efforts are in vain because she still won't give him the time of day. All that brown nosing he did was for nothing. There are relationships where the women are in charge instead of the man. That is not acceptable in my eyes. A man is supposed to be the head of the home; what he says, goes. It doesn't mean the wife doesn't have a voice, but she speaks her piece and trusts the husband to lead appropriately. If the wife looks more like the man of the house than you (the man), that's a violation. She might as well be single, or raise another adult since she's doing all this. And what's all this nonsense about following a wife's curfew & rules? He's not a child, and should not allow himself to be treated as such. To me, taking verbal abuse would be grounds for immediate divorce. If a man allows verbal abuse from his woman once, she thinks she can pull that stunt repeatedly. The definition of henpecked: Browbeaten, bullied, or intimidated by one's wife or girlfriend. To harass by persistent nagging. Money trumps all! If the man isn't bringing in the income, the woman has no choice but to lead. It hurts, but it's truth.

12 Year Old Dies After Bullying Attack At School

Father God, I pray for the family of Bailey O'Neill. He was a 12-year old boy whose life was tragically cut short. He didn't have to die this way. As for the students who beat him to death: Bailey's parents need to PRESS CHARGES on the other parents. As for the kids, may they be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Kids are being raised in a septic tank of society: Homosexual agenda being forced on them at an early age, bullying, etc. If this is the world we live in, I want no part of it. Shakes My Head. Scratch that, I refuse to bring up children in this sorry world. When I was coming up, there was bullying, but it didn't result in death. Most times, the victim stood up for him or her(self), and the bullying stopped. Where were the adults? There should have been responsible adults present to stop the carnage, but due to negligence, a 12-year old boy lost his life. Who knows what Bailey could have become? He could've been the next scientist, engineer, computer programmer, etc. Now, we will never know what potential he had because his life expired. I know people are going to say "The bullies are kids, they shouldn't have charges pressed." Newsflash, 11 & 12-year olds are committing adult offenses so what do you suggest? If anything, go after the parents of these monsters. Obviously, the parents did a poor job of raising these children with the proper morals so that's why they turned out the way they did. All throughout the video, Tommy makes valid points. Folks want to get his channel taken down, but won't raise sand about important issues. People support what matters to them, that's all there is to it. Rest In Peace to young Bailey O'Neill. His parents will never get over the death of their child. By the way, I was serious about not bringing children in this world, and stories like this make my case & point.

Mar 5, 2013


She is a new female preacher who preaches with her breasts out, and men are flocking to her church! With women dressing provocative and men wearing skinny jeans to church, do I think churches need to enforce a dress code? Yes. Before I explain my reasoning, I want to say that coming to church dressed provocative is Etiquette 101; that's a no-no. Some people come to church to hear the word, and how can they focus on the pastor if they see some woman dressed like the club? It's disrespectful to those who have respect for God's house. In the Bible, when the moneychangers used God's temple to conduct business, God was upset and drove them out of his temple. These young people have no respect for older people anymore. I think there should be a dress code; they follow it for the club so they should follow it for church. Sad truth. It's good they show up at all, and you don't want to discourage them because they dress poorly. Maybe cover church etiquette in the sermon. At the same time, God says come as you are, so I feel folks should not be thrown out of church for not following it. You address it, let them stay & listen, and over time, the example set by the body of believers in the congregation will rub off on them. I went to a few churches where women who dressed poorly were given a bag to change clothes. Many would go into their closets and give away what they thought would fit. The next time they showed up, they were there for the Word.

New state law lets mother decide who will raise children born out of extramarital affair

This is the mess I don't like. A woman who has children out of wedlock gets to decide who will raise the kids. This should serve as a wake-up call to all men, to keep their sausage in their pants, because this law is yet another advantage to women. Out of spite, a woman could withhold her children from their biological father, and it would be hard for him to get custody of his child(ren). One of my Facebook friends was right when he said that laws are slighted towards men, because they are. Anyone who doesn't think so, is living in La La land. If a man screws up, it goes harder on him than it does the woman. A man loses his professional licenses/certifications, wages garnished, jail time, child support, etc. Let a woman screw up and she gets a slap on the wrist. I was so mad when I read this story, I had to do a blog commentary on it. What if hubby doesn't want to raise another man's child, then what? These tricks make me sick. It's not one, but two men getting screwed. After reading the story, this is nothing new. When full authority is placed in the mother's hands, it won't bode well for the father, and the child. The past 40+ years is proof of that. “She was a great woman, very attractive, very intelligent, fun loving, and easy going,” says Grimes. The keyword is WAS, which is past tense. This action revealed her true colors, and I hope this man learned a valuable lesson: All that glitters isn't gold. At the same time, it's hard for me to have compassion for him because he knew she was married, AND...she had the law on her side. In custody battles, they almost always favor the woman so it behooves these men to keep it in their pants. Stories like this give men more ammunition not to get married, because the law is slighted towards them.

Mar 4, 2013

More Than Meets The Eye

Sisters, if your greatest claim to fame is that you are "thick" with a big "booty" then you are seeing yourself in the WRONG light. Please step out of the darkness. Sure a nice physique might catch his "eye" but what will catch his "mind?". We need to research the science and definition of words.
Booty is defined as: spoil taken from an enemy in war.
Spoil is defined as: booty, loot, or plunder taken in war or robbery. Now who was taken away by an enemy in war? WE were Black Woman. WE became the "booty" of our slave masters, and here we are flaunting our "booty" for all to see.
Why not promote your mind instead of your body? If all you have to offer a man is your womb, what you are REALLY saying is that, you lack the mental capability and capacity to stimulate his mind. I don't know what you heard, but a man wants a woman that can do more than just lie on her back. You need to be able to operate and function OUTSIDE the bedroom. If you find yourself constantly being referred to or treated as just a "piece of azz" it's because that's all YOU are offering
My View: I'm paying the whole note with interest on this one. The reason why women flaunt themselves as a piece of meat, is because men respond to that. Some men don't know how to look deeper than a woman's curves. Women sense this and market accordingly. Looks do catch his eye, but it's going to take a lot more than thickness with a big booty to keep him; if he's discerned enough to look for more in a potential wife. A sexy woman is one who's beautiful in mind, body and spirit. I like her definition of booty: spoil taken from an enemy in war. Do men want spoil? I hope not. A MAN wants a diamond, someone who shines bright in all areas of life. A woman is a reflection of her man. If a man is trashy, a woman will respond in kind. If he's upstanding, an upstanding woman will respond in like fashion.


Generalizations are valid if you have a majority of people who display contrary conduct. For example, when you were in school and the whole class acted up, the ENTIRE class was punished. It wasn't fair because why should the whole class get punished for one person's misdeeds? It's not fair, but sometimes everyone must suffer for the mistakes of one or a few; this serves as a deterrent to those who are thinking about engaging in wrong conduct. Honestly, I'm tired of hearing some people say "Not all blacks are bad, this, that and the other" That's true, but as the old adage goes: One person can mess it up for everyone. What that statement means is that people judge the whole on the actions of a few: If I'm a business owner and my business was constantly victimized by black ghetto criminals, then I'm going to assume all blacks are criminals and take precautionary measures to protect my investment. Anybody who's had constant negative experiences from a certain group of people, are going to label the entire group based on their bad experiences with a few. Of course, I don't think all blacks are bad, because there are some black people that abide by the law and live right. At the same time, I'm not naive enough to believe some blacks can mess it up for everybody. Every group has good & bad, but when the bad outweighs the good, the decent, upstanding people get lumped in with the ratchets. In today's world, negativity is far more prevalent than positivity. Beauty cannot co-exist with ugly. When you eradicate the ugliness, then you can have beauty.

Mar 2, 2013


I pride myself on humility. Being humble is a good look because people don't like arrogant folks; people who think their poo don't stink. Arrogant people think they're better than everyone, that people exist for their purposes. These people have very few, if any friends because no one wants to be around them. I wouldn't want to be around conceited people either, because they undermine others every chance they get. Rubbing their advantages in people's faces, boasting about being this, that, & the other. People want to be around those who are humble, respectful and confident. Arrogant people feel the world revolves around them, and that's not right. It makes me wonder what these people been through to give them this inflated ego. I laugh at people who boast about having well-fed egos because they're proving my point. These are the same people that boast about having haters. Clown, nobody's thinking about you; why would someone hate on you? You're nobody special.

Mar 1, 2013

False Prophets

The Bible speaks of false prophets, those who come under the guise of righteousness and deceive Christians and others away from godly standards. The following paragraph I'm about to post sheds light on a troubling phenomenon:
Celibacy is neither natural nor normal! Humans are not wired for it long term and barely short. To impose it on people who feel called to ministry, straight or gay, is irresponsible, outdated and unnecessary. So far it hasn't worked overall and I don't expect it will or even should. Obviously it has and continues to create huge problems within the Catholic church and has caused painful experiences of abuse for both victims and perpetrators. It seems to me, both insane and obscene, to continue the practice. The present circumstances related to abuse within the priesthood of the Roman Catholic church, insist it should reconsider its position on celibacy and its effect upon, or aversion to, effective ministry and service to the people and purpose to which it is called.
My View: Let me get this straight, celibacy is neither natural or normal? I know the Bible says be fruitful and multiply, but that's in marriage context. The Bible doesn't give people a pass to lay it low & spread it wide; that's what's happening in today's world. If more people were celibate, there wouldn't be children born out of wedlock, no sexually transmitted diseases, etc. According to this so-called Bishop (I'm serious about the so-called term, by the way.), people are supposed to sex anything with a pulse. It's that mindset that's why 70% of children are born out of wedlock to single parents, sexually transmitted diseases are prevalent, etc; but YET & STILL, celibacy isn't natural or normal. Here's a brief history on Bishop Carlton Pearson: He went from being a HIGHLY respected Preacher/ Bishop (used to run the Azusa Conference annually) who believed in the unadulterated Word of God to getting on the "Inclusive/ Inclusion" "religion" train. (don't believe that people will go to hell, etc, etc....) Beware of False Prophets who speak Lies...I don't know what his true point is. He says Humans are not wired for Celibacy. Since the Beginning its been a sin to have sex outside of Marrige. Just because many have done it, it should be OK Now. What's next, Murder, many have committed this one too. Should we take it off of the Sin List as well. Next is Stealing, Lying, Idol Worship, etc, sounds like justification of sin.

Famous Quotes/Catchphrases

This is a list of memorable quotes or sayings my Facebook friends have made. Here Goes:
"Powdering the behind"-Richard (myself)
"The Big Dog keeps hypersensitive folks in check"-Jerome Bolden
"Women expect men to give them the world without a passport"-Myself
"I don't care who slighted"-Jerome Bolden
"The Lightening Rod strikes simps and b*****s with deadly accuracy!"-Trina Rogers
"Plumbing business is booming in the black community, due to the clogged drains from all the weave"-Lee Groves
"Somebody needs to start an organization called Black Girls Act Right"-Tee Wallbanger
"I Don't give two shakes of a rat's behind"-Kiara Williams
"They can't cooperate, they will be replaced"-Jerome Bolden
"If she can't act right, she gotta take flight"-Jerome Bolden

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.