Jan 25, 2015

Bull's Eye

The Bible was spot on when it said the enemy has a Bull's Eye on God's people. Whenever Satan targets God's children, it's for a reason: The devil doesn't like the anointing that's on someone's life, and Satan will come with everything he's got to ensure he derails a child of God from their calling. My heart goes out to all pastors and their wives for being willing to stand in the gap and be leaders to their congregation. It takes a strong (wo)man to shoulder the burden of leading their congregation to God. Ultimately, God can bring someone to him on his own, but pastors' responsibility is to point people to Christ. Pastors have burdens their congregation will never understand, because many pastors won't be open about their struggles. The reason is that the congregation looks to their pastor for spiritual guidance, and if the pastor can't keep it together, what does that mean for the rest of the congregation? Pastors are human just like everyone else, and it takes a brave soul to tell his congregation "I'm your pastor, but I'm human. I struggle just like you guys, but I know someone who has your back." It's important for Christians to keep their pastors in prayer, because pastors are fighting battles that their congregation may never know about. Pastors & spiritual leaders have taken on the charge of leading their congregation to God, and anytime someone's called into ministry, they can expect the enemy to come at them hardcore.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.