Jul 25, 2016

Divide & Thrive

One of my FB friends Robert Townsend uses this term as he posts hard-hitting social commentaries on the state of the Black community. He uses the terms Nigga class, Thug N****s to describe the degenerate portion of the black community that engages in criminal behavior. I've followed his page and I respect him for his stance of personal responsibility among blacks, advocating that the decent blacks separate themselves from the crime-prone ones. I really believe that in order for the black community to thrive, there needs to be a separation between the criminal-minded blacks and the decent, moral blacks. All one needs to do is look at black neighborhoods. There are two kinds of blacks in black neighborhoods: Straight Edge and Degenerate. The straight edge blacks are law-abiding, productive and responsible. These blacks are just trying to raise their children right even though they live in a war zone. The Degenerate blacks are the gang members, murderers, and jackers. These blacks don't want peace, they seek to steal, kill & destroy.

Due to financial constraints, the straight edge blacks are forced to share the same neighborhood with the criminal-minded ones, and unless the decent blacks get their money up to leave the hood, they may become crime victims by the hood element. I used to believe that law-abiding blacks could live among the criminal element without becoming victims, but now I don't. Even if an inner-city kid has the right influences, (s)he may be negatively influenced in some way. It's on that child to apply what was taught and continue making good choices. Ultimately, since there's no hope for the crime-prone blacks to change (with the exception of God), there must be division in the black community. The decent blacks can build with each other, create their own neighborhoods like back in the day. Leave the degenerate blacks to destroy themselves. Let them have their war-torn neighborhoods. This is called Divide & Thrive. If the decent blacks can divide themselves from the hood element, they can thrive in a peaceful environment.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.