Sep 15, 2014

Boaz Has Passed You By

When I hear a woman say she's waiting on her Boaz, I giggle so hard inside because many women are clueless about the Biblical story of Boaz. Many women assume their Boaz is going to appear out of thin air, but that's not the case. These women don't realize that Ruth positioned herself to be found. She didn't sit on her behind waiting for Boaz to appear, Ruth did the work to put herself in a place where Boaz could find her. Once Ruth found her Boaz, the rest was history. Today's Christian woman has it twisted because they've bought into the same feminist mindset that a man is supposed to wait on them hand & foot, while she reaps the benefit. These are the same women that call themselves Proverbs 31 women. Last time I checked, being a Proverbs 31 woman requires work, and some women today do not want to do the work required to attract their Boaz. They think their looks will get them by, and they will on a shallow man. The Bible says that man looks at the outward, but God looks at the heart. A man of character is going to examine a woman's heart before choosing her as a mate. He realizes that looks can be deceiving. Some of the most attractive women have horrible character (the same goes for men). I have no problems with a woman wanting her Boaz if she's of right character. Those women have every right to desire a Boaz because she's worked on herself enough to where a good man will seek her out. I'm talking about the ratchet women. Those are the types that are quick to say "I'm looking for my Boaz" Well, what are YOU doing to position yourself to be sought? I'll wait.

Today’s Thought

  The peace that comes from being in your own world, not bothering anyone is priceless.