Jan 30, 2016

Dear Rick: Do I Take A Job In Atlanta?


I am a long time listener to the show and I love you guys! So, here is my dilemma. I’ve been in a whirlwind relationship for the past year and a half. I do have to admit we move a little too fast. We went from dating to moving in together to having a baby.
Here is my problem. Right before the holidays my boyfriend and I both lost our jobs. I’ve had problems finding employment, so I decided to move to Atlanta. I have several job prospects. My boyfriend on the other is refusing to move. Do I stay to keep the family together or do I pack up me, my baby and take the job in Atlanta.
Would you take a job in another state knowing your partner will not be moving with you?
Would you take a job in another state knowing it could break up your family?
 My answer:  In today's economy, jobs are hard to come by even for skilled & experienced employees. If you've tried everything to find full-time employment in your city and you have job prospects elsewhere, you should move where you have better job prospects. People relocate to larger cities all the time for job prospects, so I don't understand his issue. He's unemployed, so he's NOT bringing in income, his wife has several job prospects in Atlanta and he would rather remain broke in his city. If he cares for her, he'll ride with her. He needs to follow her to Atlanta and keep the family together. Sacrifices have to be made in times of need. Some cities have stronger job markets than others.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.