One of the common complaints women seem to have about men is that men don't know how to appreciate them for who they are. Usually there's some truth to that because some men will try to change the essence of who a woman is so she can be right for him. I could see if asking a woman to change is going to benefit her long term but abandoning the core of who you are as a person is not the move. Either accept a woman for who she is or bounce. That's why it's important for men to do their due dilligence because he doesn't want to get with the wrong woman only to find out she's not what he wants or expects her to be. Most men are worried about how big her booty is instead of getting to know her. A woman wants a man to appreciate her understanding, passionate side, point of view and the emotions that make up who she is. I don't think that's unreasonable at all because most men want the same from a woman. Most men appreciate women for who they are, but if she doesn't fit an ideal fantasy then they might as well not exist. In my view, some women can be irrational and mysterious at times but I have sense enough to know you can't change someone into who you want them to be. Either she's right for me or not. Men and Women should already be working on themselves so if any changes need to be made, that man or woman can make them solo; they won't have to depend on someone else to bring to their attention changes that need to be made. I've noticed a lot of men wanting women to think like men. If you've seen the movie Think Like A Man, this concept is discussed in detail. The premise behind thinking like a man is women understanding how a man approaches relationships. It also goes on to state how some men play on the mistakes women make when pursuing a mate. If women want men to appreciate them for who they are, it would behoove them to understand relationships from a man's point of view. Finding out how men approach relationships is how a woman gets to know her man. There isn't anything wrong with women being compassionate, sensitive, loving , passionate, clingy or needing space at times...... that's what men expect out of women, but just because the environment evokes certain things in a woman doesn't mean that a woman should turn her negative emotions towards her man or continuously be contrary, contradictory, neisty (nice & nasty), sarcastic, and argumentative with her man. That's tantamount to attacking him with a bludgeon. It's not that women will never think like a man, they CHOOSE not to. Let's make that clear. If you can't accept a woman for who she is, you don't need to be with her. When a man gets involved with his lady, he should do his due diligence to see if he can handle her complexity. That means seeing her at her best, worst and everything in between. It goes double for women as well; if you can't handle your man at his best and worst, hit the bricks and find someone you can tolerate. Men And Women have issues they need to fix. A man can receive correction and he won't fly off the handle because you know why? Men are used to getting their butts handed to them. We make the appropriate changes and move on. Society has babied women for too long that they've become spoiled. You can't tell them nothing because they'll get fighting mad and swing the rod of deflection. It seems like women receive correction better from a woman than a man & even then they may still have issue receiving it from their own kind (I've noticed that on these threads). Some women don't know how to keep it real with each other and instead co-sign sucker stuff. If I said the sky is blue and a woman said it's black, she'd get an entourage of other women co-signing even though I would be right. That's that bull right there. Whenever a woman says she'll change in her own time, fellas need to beware because that almost always means she has no intention of changing. Again, it goes back to my previous statement...Be careful who you choose as a mate; make sure they receive correction because it's no sense in you being about something and your mate don't want better for themselves. Any real man would appreciate the softer side of a woman, it's foolish not to. What man wants a woman to be a clone of himself? Not Richard. The issue is women want men to accept them with ALLLLLLLL their craziness but would women be able to accept a man's good & bad? Negative. Many women aren't strong enough to handle a man at his worst but expect him to take the good & bad of her. If you have a character flaw that is detrimental to the relationship and your man points that out, it would behoove you to make the adjustment. If he didn't care about you, he would leave you to your own demise. These are two of women's favorite sayings: If You Can't Handle Me At My Worst, You Don't Deserve Me At My Best and the other (this is their favorite): Take Me As I Am Or Watch Me Go. Those two ideologies are exactly why men and women will never be able to have a satisfying relationship. Men approach relationships from a linear/logical aspect...If I'm this, I want to attract this kind of woman and so on. If something's out of whack, he addresses it and the rest is on her. Make the adjustment or get gone. Women need to STOP trying to get men to be in touch with their emotional side. Men are not emotional, never have been and never will be.
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