Introduction: Some women will blame the moon, stars, and the sun for some of their poor choices. It never ends. Excuses have excuses.
You can't create your own storm, and then get mad when it rains. Accountability is severely lacking. We have made choices that have led us to the sad, current state of affairs that we are in. It's always, "What about the men"? "Look what they're doing." "They are no good." I say, what about the women? Look what we are doing, or not doing? We make "no good" choices and then want to wash our hands of all responsibility. We should be ashamed. Women have no self-respect anymore. Some will do anything for a dollar. They share their body with the devil himself as they lay down their dignity, only to rise with disdain. They exit the house and face the world, looking like they just rolled out of bed, with head scarves and pajamas their choice of attire. They use their children as bargaining chips, and as a means to get a check. Instead of raising their standards and raising their children, they choose to decrease their value and diminish their worth. Ethics and morals seem to be a thing of the past. Partying takes precedence over being an active, responsible parent. Our little ones are more familiar with curse words than spelling words. I could go on, but I won't. I am truly saddened by what we have become, and I weep for our babies. A sad state of affairs? Please. That's the understatement of the year.
You can't create your own storm, and then get mad when it rains. Accountability is severely lacking. We have made choices that have led us to the sad, current state of affairs that we are in. It's always, "What about the men"? "Look what they're doing." "They are no good." I say, what about the women? Look what we are doing, or not doing? We make "no good" choices and then want to wash our hands of all responsibility. We should be ashamed. Women have no self-respect anymore. Some will do anything for a dollar. They share their body with the devil himself as they lay down their dignity, only to rise with disdain. They exit the house and face the world, looking like they just rolled out of bed, with head scarves and pajamas their choice of attire. They use their children as bargaining chips, and as a means to get a check. Instead of raising their standards and raising their children, they choose to decrease their value and diminish their worth. Ethics and morals seem to be a thing of the past. Partying takes precedence over being an active, responsible parent. Our little ones are more familiar with curse words than spelling words. I could go on, but I won't. I am truly saddened by what we have become, and I weep for our babies. A sad state of affairs? Please. That's the understatement of the year.