Dec 26, 2015

Married At First Sight

  I'm tickled by the show Married At First sight for one reason: Watching couples fake it until they make it on national TV is pure comedy. I mean, I've only watched one episode and I know 100% of those couples are not compatible. Why would they? They don't know each other. All these couples do is get married & go on honeymoons, and then spend time with each other. What kind of foolishness is that? I thought the honeymoon phase comes AFTER marriage, but I was wrong.
Married At First Sight makes a mockery of marriage because it sends the message you need to find someone quick, or your life will pass you by. I couldn't be on that show because I don't believe in rushing marriage. Marriage is a big decision, one that requires careful planning. You have to love someone in the good & bad times, and to me this show doesn't do marriage justice at all. Those couples know they don't love each other, they're putting on a show for notoriety & fortune.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.