Mar 18, 2016

Strawberry Letter: You Can't Have Children, I'm Gone

To a man, having children is everything because he gets to pass on his wisdom to his children. Teaching his son how to shoot a gun, throw his first pitch, watch sports; those things mean the world to men when his wife bares his children. When a man's wife can't produce children, it makes him feel some kind of way because he's thinking something's wrong with him or her. We live in a fallen world so there's no guarantees in life. I'm not going to come down on this man because he has every right to feel the way he does. They're established in their careers so they were ready to have children. Fast forward to the surgery. Yeah, he was there for her during the surgery, so how else is she expecting him to feel? She can't give him what he wants, so if he's feeling some kind of way, there's no telling how she's feeling. There are no guarantees in life. She needs to have a real conversation with him. He needs to know how she felt going through her situation and how his abandonment made her feel. He left her, who's to say he won't leave her this time should another trial come? Is she sure it was her inability to have children? Was there a possibility she could've died? Did he father any children interim? Is she satisfied with his answers? She shouldn't move in together. Review the vows and his response to the question, and she should go slow.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.