Jul 3, 2015

Misconceptions About Friendship: Jamora Lei Rogers

Repost from Jamora Lei Rogers (Facebook friend)

People have a misconception of friendship around here. We're all grown-ups, so act like it. If you are friends with someone and they do something or say something that you don't like or don't agree on then talk about it. Settle it. Move on. Life is too short to play peoples games, tell a bunch of lies to, and read minds. Keep it real, say what's on your mind, and don't sugar coat anything. 
Just because you talk every now and again doesn't mean you're friends yet. Just because you confide in someone you don't exactly know... again, this doesn't make you friends. Those are acquaintances. To actually make time to get to know an individual, spend time with, care for, make a bond, etc. should be continuous when becoming a friend. I take my friendships very serious. I can smell bullshit a mile away, so don't play with me. You don't want me in your life? That's fine boo, because I'm going to keep on keepin' on like the fabulous "me" I'm meant to be. 

All I have to say is...she said that!

Kekeing With The Wrong One(s)

As usual, I was on Facebook the other day watching prank videos. Some prank videos were in good fun, others were dangerous because they could endanger the jokester, and the victim. This one Facebook page was titled Hood Pranks Gone Wrong, where a jokester pranked several inner-city residents. So this prankster goes into a ghetto to prank someone, and he ends up shooting at him. The jokester was like "It's a prank bro, it's a prank!" He was fearing for his life because he said it fast. The shooter didn't think so because he fired on the joker. In a way, the prankster got what was coming to him because some people don't have a sense of humor, so you can't joke with everybody. Nothing wrong with that, it's how some people are. You can joke with some people, others not so much because you don't know how your pranks will be received. The shooter could have been in a bad mood, and wanted a reason to fire on somebody, or he could have been into it with an enemy thug, you don't know. All I know is the jokester escaped with his life, and I bet he learned yesterday. He learned who (not) to joke with. Foolishness can end your life quick, and death will be ready to embrace you. Look at these high-risk videos on social media. One video showed a man in a swamp provoking an alligator, and the gator almost ate him. That's the thing, some people are asking for death messing with crocodiles, gators, or any dangerous animal. I salute the man's bravery because he has the guts to do what most people wouldn't, but I value my life too much to engage in anything detrimental to my well-being. 

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.