Oct 1, 2021

I'm Back/COVID-19 PSA (Pt. 1)

 After a month+ absence from writing, finally I've returned to blogging. This break has given me plenty of time to think & I have lots to say. I want to discuss this pandemic & how it's brought the fool out of people: Ever since COVID-19 hit, it's destroyed lives and the economy. Hundreds of thousands have died from COVID. I'm grateful to have survived COVID due to my strong immune system. I loaded up on elderberry gummies, drank plenty of fluids and rested. I didn't have much of an appetite, but I forced myself to eat because I needed fuel to fight the virus. I feel for those dealing with COVID because they're not able to see loved ones while in the hospital. I pray this mess is over with because I'm sick of this pandemic, as are many others. A bigger downside of this pandemic is businesses struggling to find employees: Drive around the city, and what will you see? Now Hiring. Some companies are offering signing bonuses to attract talent. Nobody wants to work because it's easier to sit home and get free money from the government. Of those who received stimulus payments of $1400, $1200, $600 and so on, how many of them have saved a portion of that money? Very few, if any. Free money won't last forever, and then people will be forced to look for a job. It may not be what they're used to, but at least leverage any job to something better.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.