Feb 19, 2021

The True Meaning Of Rest In Peace


Rest In Peace used to carry meaning, but now it's overused. People are quick to say Rest In Peace to foul people who have left this world. I'm talking about those who have lived foul (criminal, mistreated people, etc.). Let me tell you something, if your legacy consisted of hate & discord, you don't deserve to Rest In Peace. Some people rejoice when a wicked person leaves this world because they can no longer sow destruction in others' lives. The only people who may be saddened by a wicked person's departure is that person's supporters, but they don't count. Truth be told, I'm indifferent towards a wicked person's departure: I don't feel anything when they leave this world because they have left an infamous legacy. Why should foul people deserve to Rest In Peace? They don't. I reserve that term for those who have made a difference in society. When supporters bond to share memories of the deceased, they have good things to share.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.