Mar 11, 2015

Why Does This Woman Hate Me So Much?

I don't blame many women for not getting involved with single fathers because of baby mama drama. Anytime someone is involved with a single mother or father, the other parent will always be in the picture due to the child(ren). Some people can overlook that, some people can't. That's why I can't fault men for overlooking single mothers, just like I don't fault women for overlooking single fathers. Who wants a ready-made family? I will admit, it takes a special (wo)man to raise someone else's child(ren) as their own, and not too many (wo)men are up for that task. Anyway, this letter is crazy for the simple fact that these two have been warring since grade school. This lady goes out of her way to help this single mother who was a victim of Katrina, and the lady gives her (the letter writer) her butt to kiss. It's actions like hers that give people a reason NOT to want to do for others because some people are very ungrateful. Not only that, this lady went so far as to have the other woman fired from her job, all because she doesn't like her? If logic serves me correctly, disliking someone means you don't give them any power over you. You don't spend energy trying to bring them down to your pathetic level because all that's doing is making you look stupid. Chances are, the other person is keeping it moving while you're envious of him/her for whatever reason. There's not many people I dislike because to be honest, I don't value people enough to dislike them. If I haven't done anything to warrant that person disliking me, that's their problem. I'm going on with my life; I'm not going out of my way to slander their name or bring them down because how does that make me look? I rest my case.
The reason why the baby's mother hates this woman so much is because the man found a better woman than her, and she doesn't like that. She can't stand to see her baby's father happy so she's going to do whatever it takes to destroy someone else's relationship. She wants him back, but he doesn't want her back. Nothing she can do to change his mind because for whatever reason, their relationship soured. If someone doesn't want you, that's their decision. Before she gets into another relationship, I suggest she gets over her hurt or she's going to project her pain onto the next man based on her failed relationship. 

All In The Family Pt. 2

Are people trying to expedite God's return with this foolishness? They must be since incest is the ultimate form of sexual perversion. Watch some clowns say "You can't tell consenting adults how to live their lives." Anyone who says that crap is condoning incest, so they are just as wrong. I have to tell it like it is, and I don't care who's slighted: Wrong Is Wrong, period. This foursome mess right here is just sick, but we are living in the last days and the Bible speaks of perversion running amok. I don't care how beautiful his fiancee's twin sister is, as a man there are some things you just don't do, and sexing your fiancee's sister is one of them. She's considered family, and that's a major violation in my book. The fiancee is obviously in on the foursome because she condones it. Oh yeah, that's her twin sister and she gave him the green light, but now look what happened; the fiancee is now pregnant. From a medical standpoint, incest is foul because of the high probability of genetic disorders. It would be heartbreaking for the child to suffer because of the adults' foolishness, but we live in a fallen world so unfortunately, kids have to pay for their parents' mistakes. The thought will NEVER...EVER cross my mind to sex one of my female family members because my moral compass won't allow it. This Strawberry Letter gets better because the mother comes over from the DR and plants a wet one right on his lips. That leads me to believe that the mother is in on this family orgy, and if the mom is in on this, you know feelings will be caught. I just don't see this ending well, AT ALL. This Strawberry Letter has trouble, trouble, trouble written all over it. Jesus Take The Wheel? Nah, Jesus Take The Car.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.