Oct 22, 2014

Strawberry Letter | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS

When you cheat on someone, they are within their right to give you another chance, or leave you. If your spouse takes you back, it's because (s)he feels you're worthy of a second chance. The worst thing you can do is violate your second chance, because that person may not give you another one. In marriage, cheating is grounds for divorce. I've never understood how some spouses continually take back their cheating (wo)man. It's as if they don't respect themselves enough to put their happiness first. If God sees fit to bless me with a good woman, I'm not going to disrespect her or myself by messing up a good thing. The kids are going to suffer without their dad because mom is going to have to explain to the children why daddy isn't coming home. If she's honest, she'll tell her kids the truth: Mom cheated on dad, and he left. She'll teach her kid(s) not to make the same mistakes she did.
The children are going to be without a father, unless custody arrangements are made.
The husband was right to leave his wife for infidelity. No second chances should be given for infidelity because you don't know if the person's sorry for the act, or sorry they got caught. Many people are sorry they were caught for cheating, otherwise they would've continued to be unfaithful. The more I read these types of letters, the more turned off I become from relationships because I'm thinking to myself, "Can't ANYONE be faithful to their spouse? It seems like everyone is cheating on each other." You don't know who's who anymore. If God sees fit to bless me with a good woman, I'm going to do right by her. Doing right by her means being faithful, and I expect the same in return. Now, this woman is looking crazy because her man left her. I feel sorry for the children, because their dad isn't in the home. I don't feel sorry for the woman because she had to have known what would happen. When you make your bed, you have to lie in it.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.