Feb 24, 2015

The OTHER Woman

The solution is straightforward, but having this woman cut ties with all these men would be too much like right. Anytime a woman is the side chick, she has to accept that she will NEVER be the main woman. She knew that going into these relationships, so she needs to figure something out. The third man has a woman, and she knows about her (this woman who wrote the letter). Now, either the third man's wife is totally secure in being the main woman, or he's got some polygyny going on. Regardless, I will never understand how some women settle for being an extra when they can find a man that wants to be her ONLY. The guy she's been with for 7 years: You either love someone or you don't, it's just that simple. She loved something about him if they had a 7-year relationship. There's no way a couple can last unless they are compatible on all fronts. Sure, they may have differences, but what they share should outweigh what's different about them. If the differences outweigh similarities, the relationship won't last. Why do some people think many relationships fail? Because there's no common ground. The 2nd guy (known 3 years)-She might as well give that up because there's no way he's leaving his girlfriend for her. Settle for being a sidepiece or she can work on herself before getting into a monogamous relationship with a one-woman man. Mr. MoneyMan-If he's giving her $$$, one can only wonder what she's giving him in return. I don't care what anyone says, but NO MAN is just gonna give a woman money without expecting something in return; that's called tricking. Women like this usually have low self-worth, and feel they can't find their own man, so they settle for another woman's. For the woman who knows about her (the letter writer), kudos to her for supposedly being ok with it, because not too many women would go for that, as they shouldn't.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.