Mar 11, 2021

Child Support (Pt. 3)

Forget child support, can the dads take half of the responsibility of raising kids?? Too many men get away with living their life and just sending a check (if that) while the mothers are taking care of the child full time. He was man enough to lay down with her to make the child, he should be man enough to help take care of the child. Then again, there are some babies mothers who are gold diggers, especially if they're financially stable. If a single mother is financially secure enough to take care of her child(ren) by herself, she shouldn't need child support if she's managing her funds right. I guess she knows in most cases, the courts will approve her for more money, so that's why some women milk the system. Still, it boils down to men making better decisions. If he doesn't see her as a wife, he shouldn't lay down with her.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.