Dec 20, 2012

Tit For Tat

After what number of dates should a woman offer to pay after she’s been out on a couple of dates with the same guy?

If he initiated the date, he should pay on the first two dates. Anything after that, they should go back & forth. If one person is doing all the giving and the other person is doing all the taking, that's NOT THE MOVE. That relationship is built on selfishness, like what you can do for me instead of what we can do for each other. That's the problem with relationships, one person wants to reap all the benefits without bringing nothing to the table. Relationships like that WILL NOT last because they are built on selfishness. Regardless of who initiated the date, to expect one person to put in all the work is ridiculous. The other person doing the receiving has nothing to bring to the table except their looks. For discerned men like myself, threatening not to give me sex isn't hurting me because unlike most men, I'm not thirsty. If a man is dropping $200 or more for dates on a woman he's probably not feeling, he's not very intelligent because who's to say if you spend $$$ on a woman, she'll be interested in you? You don't know. Ladies and Gentlemen, don't allow your mate to drive you broke.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.