Mar 4, 2016

Strawberry Letter: Falling For A Friend

After all the action she gave her "friend" and after how close they've gotten, he turns around and proposes to his son’s mother after being diagnosed with cancer. He could have proposed to her, but he didn’t. Why? Her friend is enjoying the sex, and deep down she is too. Like many women, she equated sex with love. He doesn't love her enough to propose, that's why he proposed to someone else. She gives him loving even if he's marrying his son's mother.
If she thinks continuing to sleep with him and give him her body will make him fall in love with her, she needs to wise up. Men don’t equate sex with love; women do. All she's doing is giving him his cake and fork by allowing him to sex her down while sleeping with his fiancee. Good friends don't use each other.
Loving herself is more important than being a side dish. If she wants to remain his “friend” and support him through illness, then do so at a distance. The longer she lays with him, the harder it is for her to see who she really is to him. He may care for her, but doesn't love her. If he loved her or fell in love with her, he would've proven with ACTION. What does that tell her if he proposed to someone else? I'll Wait.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.