Jan 23, 2015

R.I.P? Only If You're Right With God.

Death is something we all experience: Some experience death earlier than others, but eventually everyone will have to come to terms with their pending demise. The best way to live is to the fullest because life has no rewind button. You can't go back and redo the opportunities you've passed on, the chances you had to tell that person how you feel about them, etc. If & when the time presents to do something, do it or you'll have that would've, could've & should've moment on your deathbed. Nobody wants to be on their deathbed with regrets. Most people (if they're honest) want to go to their deathbed saying they came, they saw & conquered all life had in store for them. In any event, should a Christian mourn at the loss of a loved one? That depends on their salvation. There's nothing wrong with Christians mourning over their loved one's demise. (S)he meant a lot to them, so mourning is natural. I do have a little issue with grieving over the loss of a saved loved one. Why should a Christian grieve over the loss of a saved loved one? They should celebrate that person's passing because (s)he's no longer suffering. They've completed their course and they've been promoted to Heaven. I could not see myself crying because God took my loved one home. If they were saved, I'm rejoicing with them because they're going to a much better place. God is calling his people home at a rapid pace, so folks might as well stay ready.
The only possible reason I would probably shed tears is if my loved one died without getting right with God. Sure, I'd do my part to tell him/her about Christ, but the acceptance decision is on them. Christians can't force people to come to Christ, all they can do is tell them and God will do the rest. If you're right with God, you shouldn't fear death because the way I see it, God's calling you to his presence. The only people who should fear death are those who don't have a relationship with God. The good news is that it's not too late to introduce yourselves to Christ.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.