May 4, 2015

Men In Touch With Their Feminine Side

The following topic was posted by me in The Lions Den, a Facebook group I'm in. Here's the discussion:

Richard Hudson
Yesterday at 3:34am
I'm gonna be πŸ’― when I say this: Women DO NOT want a man that's in touch with his feminine side. What I mean is that she doesn't want a man that's secure with his manhood to shed tears when appropriate. Why would she? A woman looks to her man for guidance & strength, and if he breaks down, what does that mean for her & the family? Some of you ladies need to stop faking the funk saying you love a man more when he can be vulnerable with you; when he's able to break down and show emotion and you not think less of him. ‪#‎StopIt‬
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Tonya Mcmillan Preach
Yesterday at 3:40 am · Unlike · 1

Paulette Singleton I do like a man to show emotions when it's warranted but an overly emotional man and cry baby heck naw
Yesterday at 8:10 am · Unlike · 4

Faye Ellen Thomas Yes Paulette Singleton! I'm with you on that one...ONLY when warranted!
Yesterday at 8:58 am · Unlike · 4

Stuart Taranto Meh, I'm no crybaby but I get tears when a real human should.
Yesterday at 10:02 am · Like · 3

Stuart Taranto I believe that men who are not moved to tears are not in touch with real emotion. There are songs and movies that will get me every time. I don't weep like a baby, but, hand me the Kleenex if Wall-E is on.
Yesterday at 10:31 am · Like · 4

Tisa Mccoy Great point. I need a strong and secure man to hold me and comfort me in MY time of hurt. However, I know men have different outlets to their pain. I'm willing to be his comforter and his backbone in his time of need as well. But his doesn't need to be nearly as often or as dramatic as mine!!!! Lol
Yesterday at 11:31 am · Unlike · 6

Darren Gibson Really Tisa Mccoy well here I am life is way to short
Yesterday at 11:34 am · Like · 1

Tisa Mccoy That's for the offer Darren Gibson
Yesterday at 11:52 am · Like

Tom Coffey Richard Hudson, unfortunately you are right on so many points
23 hrs · Unlike · 2

Richard Hudson Something has to really...really touch me to my core for me to shed a tear. Otherwise, showing emotion is pointless in many ways.
23 hrs · Edited · Like

Tom Coffey No that not true Richard Hudson it's about good mental health, and once people understand this, maybe the BLACK MAN won't die early from stress and pent up anger, just saying
23 hrs · Unlike · 4

Paulette Singleton I definitely want a man who is in touch with his feminine side because he need to know that side to understand me as a woman and treat me as the woman I am. I love manly men but he gotta have that balance. Balance is very important
22 hrs · Unlike · 1

Richard Hudson A man can treat his woman like a queen, and still be manly; that's what most women don't understand. Too many women complain about men not being man enough, but when they get one, they want him to be in touch with his feminine side. Where do they do that at? Only In 2015.
22 hrs · Edited · Like

Paulette Singleton Again like I said it's all about balance and unfortunately most of society lack balance. An argumentative man is overly feminine and no woman shouldn't want a man like that
22 hrs · Edited · Unlike · 1

Richard Hudson She shouldn't want a man like that. Fight battles that matter.
22 hrs · Edited · Like · 1

Paulette Singleton Right I meant to say she shouldn't
22 hrs · Unlike · 1

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.