Jun 16, 2014

You Picked Him!

Yesterday was Father's Day, a day set aside to honor fathers who have shaped their children's lives in remarkable ways. There has been an attack on fatherhood for quite some time. Bitter single mothers have gone so far as to demand recognition on Father's Day. You'll have some single mothers that acknowledge themselves on Father's Day, saying "I'm the mother and father to my child(ren) so I deserve recognition on Father's Day too." Unless she's a hermaphrodite, a mother can never play a father's role. Try as she may, but we all know the result of a single mother trying to raise a man. Children learn the most from what they're around on a daily basis. If a boy is raised around women, he's going to pick up feminine traits. Why do you think some of these young men are so fruity? Because they've been exposed to women all their lives. It's not the boy's fault. If the child's biological father refuses to be in his child(ren)'s life, the mother has no choice but to do what she needs to do. Still, there are father figures that a boy can learn manhood from.
Not all single mothers are single moms by choice. Sometimes, single mothers become as such through no fault of their own. If a father refuses to be involved in his child(ren)'s lives, that's his perogative. Just know that children are very smart. They know who's had their back from day 1. A mother has to do whatever's necessary to provide the best possible life for her child(ren), with or without him. What I can't stand is bitter single mothers who want recognition on Father's Day. I understand those single moms are upset at their child(ren)'s father, but she picked him! She should've known he was no good before she opened for business. So many women have babies by deadbeat men, and expect these men to take responsibility for that child. At some point, some women have to use better judgment in selecting a man to lay down with. If she can't see herself long term with him, why would she have his baby? A single mother cannot complain about her child(ren)'s father being a deadbeat. Why? BECAUSE SHE PICKED HIM.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.