Apr 25, 2014

Big-City Women Vs. Small-town/Mid-sized city women

Big-city women are different from small-town & mid-sized city women. The majority of big-city women are opinionated, have the hustler mentality and tend to be materialistic. Small-town women are down-to-earth and know how to cater to their man. From a relationship aspect, small-town women run circles around big-city women because a big-city woman is used to getting what she wants. Men throw themselves at her with impunity, so she doesn't have to do anything to attract a man. Take a woman who was raised in a small-town or mid-sized city. She knows that a relationship takes two; both are pulling their weight to make the relationship work. If I had my pick between a small-town woman and a big-city woman, I'd go with the small-town woman because big-city dating is cutthroat. A woman from a major city has a different mindset based on her upbringing.
Why do big-city women have different mindsets than small-town women? It's simple. Women in the big-city are raised to be go-getters and strong. I guess they have to be because there's always people looking to take kindness as weakness, so to protect oneself, you adopt a tough exterior. A small-town woman is into a simpler life. She's looking for compatibility, and could care less about material things. She's used to living at or below her means so if she meets a likeminded man, they can relate to each other because they have the same upbringing. Take a couple in which the man is from a small-town and a woman is from the big-city; they are opposites so there's not much they could have in common. When you join two people together with different mindsets, sometimes they'll click, others not so much. I could date a woman from the big-city, as long as we vibed well and she was humble.
Professional big-city men are starting to see how materialistic big-city women are, so they choose not to deal with them, and I can't blame them. Yes, there's more opportunity in the big-city and when you've reached a level of success, you tend to seek out a likeminded (wo)man. What you value goes into how you live life.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.