May 31, 2019

Carlton Is Called A Sell-Out

This video footage sums up the black community in its entirety. Carlton is called a sell-out by the frat leader because in the frat leader's eyes, Carlton isn't "black enough". What is black enough? A black person who identifies with the struggle, grew up in the ghetto, loves his people and is passionate about black issues. I guess a black person isn't considered black if they grow up with two parents, make straight A's in school, talks proper and is groomed for success. What stood out to me is the following quote, "I'm running the same race and jumping the same hurdles, so why are you tripping me up?" Black people have it hard enough in this world, and the last thing we need is to be tripping each other up. To paraphrase what Uncle Phil (RIP James Avery) said: I'm not apologizing for working hard to provide a good life for my family. "When are we going to stop doing this to each other?" The rhetorical question Uncle Phil asked is one that has yet to be answered.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.