May 21, 2013

Remove The Speck From Your Eye

Everywhere you go, you get people who dole out correction, but can't take their own medicine. Many times, those doling out correction are no better than the person they're chastising. How can you correct someone, and you don't have your stuff together? That's nonsensical. Facebook is a good example of this: Everyone has a Facebook account, which means they receive invites to groups based on common interest(s). Relationship groups often have men & women who are passionate about relationship affairs. Men give their ideal woman, women give their ideal man. Where things get heated between the sexes is when you have some men who chastise women because she's not acting like a woman is supposed to. True, you're supposed to check someone if they're making your gender look bad. At the same time, people are grown; they are going to do what they want. If someone wants to make a fool of themselves, let them. Sad to say, many people have no shame in acting any kind of way. If you're going to check someone, make sure you're on point yourself. Otherwise, you look crazy pointing out someone's flaws, but you have 'em yourself. I try not to judge people, because I remember I'm not perfect myself. We're all a work in progress, myself included. Show me a perfect person, and I'll show you a liar. The only perfect person was Jesus. Back to my relationship example: Relationships are breeding grounds for people to give their $.02 on how a man/woman should conduct themself, so they are attractive to another person. Let's be honest, first impressions are everything. Someone's view of you is determined in the first 5-10 minutes of conversation. Women have a penchant for telling a man how he thinks, when her perspective of a man is flawed (even if she grew up with stand-up men in her life: father, brother, uncle, etc). When a man is imparting manly wisdom to a woman, his perspective is far more valid because HE'S A MAN. Just like women understand each other, men understand each other. If you're a flawed man, and you're chastising a woman on her behavior, make sure you're not guilty of the very thing you get on her about. The same goes for women. Some women like to say men are dogs; well, she laid down with that "dog" so what does that make her?

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.