Jan 17, 2023

Throwback Tuesday: Following God

Keep It Real Statement Of The Day:

Some Christians need to stop lying to unsaved people by saying coming to Christ is the best decision they will ever make because that's false. The truth is that once an unsaved person comes to Christ, they have a target on their back by Satan. At times, you'll go through more crap than you did before you got saved. You'll ask yourself "Why did I choose to follow God if I'm facing more fiery storms than I did when I was out there in the world? I would've never came to Jesus if I knew I had a target on my head." Nobody's that high holy & sanctified to where they didn't/don't question God. Then you have Christians who used to follow God, but turned their back on Him because they see no benefit in serving God, or they got tired of "suffering" so they abandon God. If I'm leading someone to Christ, I'm going to keep it real with them and say this walk isn't easy. Battles will choose you that you didn't ask for, and you'll question God & say, "Why?" If you can tolerate fiery trials, choose God and know he has your back, but if not, this life is not for you. I truly believe the reasons above are why some people choose not to come to Christ or they abandon Him, because who wants to suffer through no fault of their own in order to identify with Christ🤷 

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.