Jul 1, 2022

Woman Goes Crazy On Her Baby Daddy For Only Bringing Food For His Kid An...

All over social media, I'm hearing about a father catching hell for not buying the other kids McDonalds; he only bought McDonalds for his son. Personally, I would've bought McDonalds for all the kids because I couldn't let my child eat good and forget about the other kids; that's just ME. Everyone doesn't think like that and it's cool. I'm not picking sides; it's just what it is. Maybe the father only had enough for his son, did the mother consider that? If the mother was that pissed off, why didn't SHE buy those kids McDonalds?🤔Every battle isn't worth fighting. Allegedly she was selling the stamps (don't know how true, but if so, she's foul for taking food from her kids' mouths), which meant she expected him to pick up the slack for the other fathers. Let's say he had to go without for his child so he could make sure the other kids could eat; this video wouldn't exist. Again, this is just me but I hate drama so I would shut it down by feeding all the kids at once just to shut her up. All the kids eat, they're happy...problem solved. It would become an issue for me if this happened repeatedly because where's the other fathers? Why aren't they stepping up?

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.