Nov 10, 2015

(S)he Loves Me Through My Faults

 I think it's annoying when couples say "I love my mate because (s)he loves me through my faults." Let me explain why. When you're first getting to know someone, you want to know their positive attributes (as you should). Someone's good side is what draws you to them, and you build on that. After some years, a person's true colors start showing and it's on you to decide if you can love them at their worst, while focusing on their best. Very few people are capable of unconditional love, I don't care who they are. People can talk a good game about how they're able to love someone through the good & bad, but as soon as the bad shows up, they're singing a different tune. People shouldn't say they love someone through their faults unless they mean it, and that's real. It's easy to love someone when they're showing you the good side, but once they get comfortable enough with you and show their flaws, it's a different story. Me personally, I'd rather focus on someone's good side because the way my patience is set up, I'm quick to bounce if I find some aspect of their personality annoying. The older I get, the less I'm willing to deal with.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.