Feb 15, 2016

Peaches Of The Caribbean: RHOA Ep. 14

Credit goes to Carmen for last night's accurate assessment of RHOA Ep. 14
Carmen Milillo
1 hr
My asessement:
1. Matt showed Aunt Peter how it is to be a man, by not conforming to Peter's faggotry (yes, I said it) shenanigans by being mature enough to offer a beer in the name of peace. These men need to take a few lessons from this young man. The way they ALL got on him for his age, and for not having children, as though having children defines a man's manhood.
2. WHAT?! Was moose behaving last night? No bullshiting was shown last night from her part, maybe she learned something from Matt, or maybe secretly has a crush on him and don't want him to see that side of her. Or maybe she handed the Bitch-Crown down to Sheree and retired her ghetto attitude? She was awfully soft last night.
3. I'm glad Sheree is giving it to Kim about Chrissy, although, LMAO, Kenya started the "rumor". Kenya don't like Tutty and Fruity so she don't care.
4. CYNTHIA HAS GOT TO BE KIDDING ME FOR USING THESE UNATTRACTIVE CLOWNS FOR HER SHADES "MERCIAL"! She's a professional model who should have some connections in the modeling world to hire beautiful models to strut her stuff, I mean that should be common sense. I had to laugh at Sheree's husband part, the whole shoot was unprofessional and cartoonish. As director, if Kim was serious, she should've suggested real models and a better, classy part of the beach.
5. So Petra grew up in a Shanty Town? From time to time, I've always mentioned that Peter look like he smell like sardines, crab, fish, and anything fishy, and last night they all ate the very food that he smells like.
6. Matt looked like he wanted to throw up from the site of Fakedra's snake tongue that I'm sure has been in MANY places on MANY people's body parts.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.