Dec 15, 2014

Peter Thomas to Cynthia: REALLY?

Cynthia lost all her heart. She was so gung-ho about cutting Nene off, but she wasn't about that. Nene and Cynthia had a conversation on last night's Atlanta Housewives about their friendship, and Cynthia made the decision to cut Nene off because NeNe called Peter a b****. Cynthia was telling Peter how upset she was that Nene called her husband out of his name, how she was going to give Nene a piece of her mind, and so on. When the time came for Cynthia to confront Nene, Cynthia got that Scooby Doo like she didn't know what's going on. Cynthia was the same woman talking this & that about how Nene's a bad friend, but she threw all her heart out the window when she patched things up with Nene. They have a lot of history together, so in some strange way I can understand why both were hesitant to end their friendship. When you've been friends with someone for so long, you can't just terminate the friendship with the quickness. 
Peter went in on his woman, and with good reason. Cynthia does overlook a lot of Nene's nonsense. I don't know if Cynthia is scared of Nene because of Nene's brash, outspoken personality or what, but Cynthia does need to hold Nene accountable for getting out of order. The irony is that Cynthia went in on Porsha for being tardy, and I mean WENT IN. Porsha has said foul things about Cynthia, and Cynthia had no problem checking Porsha, so why couldn't she check Nene? Nene wouldn't tolerate Cynthia coming at her crazy like that. I can't be mad at Peter because he had a point in what he said. It's easy to say you're going to do this & that, but when it's time to put action behind your words, most people are not about what they speak on. You can talk about cutting someone off, but when the opportunity presents itself, are you going to do it?

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.