Sep 3, 2015

Why is Apologizing So Difficult?

One mark of maturity is apologizing for the mistakes you've made. By apologizing for wrongdoing, you don't deflect, tell the hurt person to "get over it", or say "I'm sorry, but..." NO. Either you take full responsibility for your transgressions (or your part of the offense) or don't apologize at all. I would rather someone NOT apologize to me for offending me than give me a half-hearted apology. They could've kept their weak apology to themself. You have some callous people that will tell a hurt person to "get over it", like the hurt person doesn't have a right to be upset at the offender. The hurt person has every right to be upset because 9 times out of 10, they did nothing to warrant that mistreatment from another person. Unlike most people, I can't sleep well knowing I've mistreated a person. 
I always make it right with those I've hurt, and I'm through. If they choose NOT to accept my apology, that's on them. At least I can sleep well knowing I've tried to make it right. Apologizing is a trait that all parents should have taught their adult children; If you offend someone, make it right with that person you've hurt. Don't justify the act or deflect, own your offenses and keep it moving. A lot of folks find apologizing difficult because of pride: Their pride won't allow them to fess up because they would be seen as weak. Nobody likes to be vulnerable, but too bad. Most people should have been taught in childhood to apologize when you hurt someone, but they haven't. I guess apologizing for wrongdoing is too much like right for some people.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.