Jul 11, 2016

I Don't Go To Church Because...

"I don't go to church because the people are phony & judgmental"
But you go to work & school with the same phonies everyday, so cut the crap. Just admit you don't want to go to church. Besides, too many people go to church for people anyway. Some people forget that church is a place of worship. When you're in the sanctuary, your focus is on God, not man. You get fed spiritually, and walk it out in your daily life. I'm tired of some people getting slighted with the church because they went for people instead of God. If you're going to church for people, you will be disappointed. There's no limit to people's excuses for choosing not to go to church.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.