Jan 10, 2016

Married Men: Strawberry Letter

I don’t believe a woman puts off any signal(s) that she dates married men. That’s a bunch of crap. Whether they’re married men or single men, men by nature are predators so they will come on to any woman that they are attracted to. Period.

It’s up to HER to decide whether she wants to be bothered with a man who she KNOWS is married. That’s the difference.

A woman who loves, values, and respects herself will not allow herself to be used as a married man’s side cookie. She will have nothing to do with married men because she knows that a married man who sleeps with other women other than his wife is a liar and cheater who lacks morals.

Then we have THIS lady…..a woman who CHOSE to roll with married men and has been doing so since age 16. You are the opposite of the type of woman I described above.

Granted, she may not have known the marital status of these men from the jump. It’s a fact that the majority of men are never forthcoming and honest about their marital status. But once she found out, she could have simply walked away and had nothing else to do with them. She didn’t. As long as they took care of her, she continued sexing them.

I hope she's not fooling herself into thinking she's irreplaceable. They can and will drop her in a heartbeat when they're tired of her. They stick around for the sex because that’s what she's offering. They play on her emotions by “talking” to her to keep her around for sex.

An intelligent, no nonsense, self respecting woman has married men all figured out. SHE DOESN'T.

She has time to get herself together.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.