Aug 28, 2014

Sip & See

Sip & See must be another term for gossiping, at least that's what I gathered from a previous Preachers Of L.A. episode. The first ladies got together for sipping and seeing what's going on with who. As usual, Loretta and Bishop Jones relationship was the central topic. If you're the topic of discussion for whatever reason, that means you're popular. The irony is that the First Ladies had it out for Loretta since day 1. They have issue(s) with Bishop Jones and Loretta's relationship. Just because the other 1st ladies are married, that doesn't mean every woman desires marriage. You have some people that are better off as friends, and that's fine. Not everyone is cut out for marriage, and given the divorce rate, I see why. Loretta shut that down quick. In a roundabout way, she told the rest of those meddling hens to fall back. What she and Bishop Jones do is their business, although I will say this: When did a man and woman that's supposedly friends, start kissing? When Bishop Jones and Loretta greeted each other last night (I didn't see much of last night's Preachers of LA because I fell asleep), they smooched for a second and went on their way. Kissing is an intimate act between a committed couple. I never knew friendship between a man & woman involved kissing, but I digress. Being a Bishop is a high profile job, and everything you do is analyzed to the T: Who you're with, what you're doing, and so on. Because Bishop Jones, Ron Gibson, Wayne, Jay, Deitrick and others are in the spotlight, they travel in the same circles so the slightest situation will get around. I said all that to say this: Sip & See is just another fancy term for getting involved in someone's business.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.