Sep 3, 2014

Is A Man Within His Right?

Is A Man Within His Right to get full custody of his children if he feels the mother is unfit? In a perfect world, yes. Given the child custody system is favored towards mothers, it's a given that a father is going to have a hard time proving the mother to be an unfit parent, even if he has a good case. Even though there have been instances where fathers have won full custody of their child(ren), the overwhelming majority of child support rulings go to the mother, because most of the time, the father isn't doing his job. I believe it shouldn't take going to court to get a (wo)man to do their job, that's bananas. When women feel hurt, they can be very nasty. That's why men need to be very careful who they lay down with. You truly don't know someone as well as you think. You can be with a person for years, and NOT truly know them. People aren't going to tell you their bad side, they're only going to tell you their good side because they don't want to run you away. Because many men don't take the time to examine a woman's character, they get caught up in her looks. They see a fine, shapely woman and get to losing their minds. I hate to see good brothers dragged into nasty custody battles because contrary to what society portrays, there are fathers who look after their children, but their nasty mother will not allow the child(ren) to see their father. The mother poisons the child(ren)'s minds into believing that daddy is no good. Unless the child is of age, that child will believe the lies of their mother because she was the one who was there for them since Day 1. Some men need to pray before they lay. If he can't see her as a wife, he shouldn't make her a mother. That will solve many of these custody battles.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.