Sep 14, 2015

Dead Weight

I said it, many churches are full of dead weight; especially megachurches. Megachurches can have 10,000+ members on the roster. Of the 10,000 or so members, what percentage is involved in ministry? I'll wait. I'm not saying all church members are lazy, but some of them are. They come to church to feast on the Word, but when it's time to step up in ministry, you can't get a dozen people to help out. If some people do step up, it's begrudgingly (they won't admit it). Then you have those who don't mind serving because they have a heart for souls. The true servants are the ones you can count on to step up whenever there's a need in the church. You don't have to ask, they know there's a need and they're ready to work. 
The true servants do 80% of the ministry work in the church while the majority has their butt imprint on a pew. When the pastor gives thanks to those who helped out, the slackers want to stand up like they did something; that's the mess that burns me up. I think all churches should adopt a mandatory volunteer policy, where all members must volunteer 3 times a month in different ministries within the church. If they do NOT volunteer, they are kicked out of church. It's harsh, but I'm tired of seeing butt imprints on church pews. In other words, some people can come to church to get fed (the Word), but they won't volunteer in ministry. It's easy to sit on the sidelines and nitpick about what you don't like about this and that ministry when you're not doing nothing.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.