Mar 16, 2012


For as long as I can remember, vacations were a part of my life. Twice a year, I'd go out of town to see family or just to get away. Vacations are one of life's hidden gems because they allow you to unwind; you don't have to worry about what's going on at home. You explore new surroundings, cultures and overall, a new way of life. If I could get paid full-time to take vacations, that would be awesome. There's nothing like spending a week or so in a different city taking in the sights & sounds, partaking of that city's cuisine & attractions, etc. When you return home, you have a deeper appreciation for your hometown because you were able to see life from a different perspective. While vacations can be enjoyable, they make one well-rounded. I was no stranger to the road because my dad used to drive trucks and I traveled on the road with him just about every summer. Great bonding time and I learned about the road. I'm able to go on the road by myself if I so choose because I'll know how to get to my destination. I love vacations and plan on taking many more throughout my life. My ultimate vacation is a week-long cruise to a tropical island of my choice. I'll either go solo or with a few close friends, or me and the family will take a cruise together. Everybody needs to take a vacation at least once a year, twice at the most.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.