Jul 3, 2013

God Did That! He Won

When I read this story, I had to cut & paste because it was good. P.S: She pushed out 4 children at once; I know her woo-ha is broke. Think of what would've happened if this man listened to the naysayers, and chose NOT to marry this woman. Read on:
A girl that is faithful to the Church with a bump on the back was going to marry a brother of the Church. People made fun of him telling him, with all the beautiful girls that are in this church, is it this girl that you want to marry? A girl with a bump? The brother replied: I love it, and also God told me clearly that she is the woman of my life. They got married, and after 3 years the brother that was nothing, had nothing and lived in poverty began to prosper in business and he teamed up with his wife and they became rich and prospered in their business, everything they touched turned into gold, they bought cars and houses. Some time ago, his wife became pregnant, and they went for an ultrasound and was told that she was pregnant with triplets. When the time of birth arrived, the doctor and the wise women were doing their job by telling the woman to push and the first, the second and third babies came out.
While she was getting ready to have a rest, the doctor told her she has another one in the belly so she should continue to push, while she did a round thing came out of her stomach, the doctor examined it and discovered that it was hump.
She straightened and could now stand up normally; there was a loud noise throughout the hospital. People gloated on all sides and gave glory to God.
When she went to the church people who laughed at her were all silent, they were shocked by the huge miracle that God did in her life:
1] a miracle of finance
2] a miracle breakthrough
3] a miracle of birth without caesarean.
4] a miracle of three bouncing baby boys
5], a miracle of healing of her bump.
6] A miracle which silenced all those who laughed at them.
Our God is wonderful!
This brother went against the grain and married this woman, despite what others told him. Now he & his family are doing very well for themselves. A Happy Ending Indeed.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.