May 7, 2023

Transparency Post: Holding Back

When I posted this on FB, I got positive reactions & responses. I normally don’t get personal on social media, but if my content helps others…forget what others think.🤷🏾‍♂️

 #TransparencyPost: Not long after my dad passed, I was walking my dog around my neighborhood when a neighbor on the next street asked about him. I told her he passed, and she was about to cry🥹. I WANTED to tell her to cut the crap because she had EVERY opportunity to check on my father, and didn’t. The reason I held back is I didn’t know her situation (she could’ve been going through something herself), and two, I wasn’t raised to disrespect my elders. Sometimes, we think we have a reason to check folks, but if we take a step back…we’ll find that maybe the person couldn’t be there like they wanted.

Spiritual Warfare: Babette Glenn

Repost (Babette Glenn)

STOP speaking of spiritual warfare. Until you do its NOT going to cease. Lately I have been hearing a lot about it and I know for a fact it's happening more often because it's what's being talked about more often. When talking to God He does NOT want you talking to Him about your adversary ALL of the time. He wants you to talk to Him about Him ALL of the time. When you reverse your conversation and talk about the goodness of God and NOT the badness of your adversary....the good will outweigh the bad and more good will exist and the bad will begin to cease. 

Think about it this don't want anyone saying anything bad about you to anyone else so why are you saying bad things about someone else to God? Amen? Amen 

Good morning Peeps 

If you’re in tune with God, you can sense spiritual warfare without mentioning it. It’s in the atmosphere: Bad energy all around…that means your presence is a threat to demonic activity.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.