Sep 26, 2014

Can A Man Be Faithful To One Woman?

With some men, you'd think they have NO SELF-CONTROL. They can have a good woman at home who brings out the best in them, and they'll still want to see what else is out there. These same men end up complaining about women because they made the choice to not take care of the blessing God gave them. The Bible says that a man who finds a wife, finds a good thing and obtains the Lord's favor. The favor comes from allowing God to send a helpmate suitable for him. The wrong spouse can make or break you. I'm going to answer this question once and for all: A man can be faithful to one woman for life. If he has a good woman, all the temptation won't make him stray because he knows what he has. It was his woman who stood by him when he was struggling to become successful, it was THAT woman who vowed to love him even if he acted like a fool at times. When a man is on his deathbed, who does he think is going to be there by his side? That good woman he takes for granted.
I'm sick of some men making excuses for why they stray. Just admit it, many men are led by their flesh. They're looking at what her body is like, instead of what her character is like. That woman he's checking for, she won't be there for him when he's down and out. She's checking for him because she sees the champagne and luxury living. Take all that away, and she's gone. It takes a lot of obeying God, because the average woman alone doesn't have enough to hold a man's attention. That may be the case, but when a man chooses a woman, he agrees to love her through it all. Even though he may find someone that's better for him, he chose HER for a reason. He saw something in that woman that the others don't possess. If he wasn't satisfied with the woman he chose, why would he choose her to begin with? Answer: She had a nice body.
If you're a real Christian man that knows the Word, you won't allow temptation to invade your thought process. Thinking about cheating on your woman is just as bad because sooner or later, your thoughts graduate to actions. If a man's not spiritual, then of course he'll be moved by flesh. In conclusion, no matter how much temptation a man faces, it's up to him to make the choice. He can CHOOSE to remain faithful to that woman he chose, or he can stray. Some men need to cut the crap and stop making excuses for why they can't remain faithful. That goes double for the co-signers.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.