Dec 17, 2015

ICYMI: I Want To Date My Sister's Ex-Boyfriend | Steve Harvey in the Morning | WDAS

First and foremost, there is a level of respect that is not being given here. There is also a boundary that she's about to cross. The sister code does not allow for such things. It is not ok by any means to date a family member's ex. She wants to lay(Be intimate) with someone that her sister laid with? I can guarantee Mama or Daddy will not like this, nor will they accept such foolery. There are plenty of men in the world for her to establish a relationship with. Also, a relationship that comes easy will end as such. She needs to get out and find someone else she may be compatible with. Did she consider that this man may have an ulterior motive? Men don’t like to be disrespected and she may be the pawn in his spiteful game.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.