Mar 14, 2013

Where Is Your ManCard?

Excuse the P word; I found this pic hilarious for obvious reasons. The man wants to go out with his boys and she's trying to keep him from doing so. This picture is symbolic of many henpecked men in today's society: Woman wears the pants in the relationship, man gets his woman's approval for every move. Women can be just as controlling, if not more so, than men. I've always felt that strong women are rarely, if ever attracted to weak men, and that's the bonafide truth. Deep down, strong women want a strong man to check them when they get out of order. In some strange way, she's turned on by that. A normal man wouldn't go for this behavior: A regular man would tell his woman "Look, I'm going out with the fellas, like it or not." and then leave. No story needed, he states his case and leaves. Most strong men don't care about their woman getting upset (unless it's valid); they figure she will get over it, and usually they're right. If a man lets his woman order him around, his mancard should be suspended until he stands up to his woman. Repeated violations of manhood warrant permanent revocation of mancard. I hate to see men bossed around by domineering women. I don't see how ANY self-respecting man could be attracted to a domineering woman. Sure, it may be appealing at first because she's giving him what he wants, BUT it always comes with a price. He's doing her bidding, can't make a move without her approval, etc. Women DO test men. If a woman is testing her man, leave her troubled behind alone! I remember Michelle Obama's radio interview during her first presidency, she stated during the early years of her relationship with Barack, she would test him. Her brother did also. Barack isn't passing, he's failing. Every time he leans in to kiss her, she denies him. Relationships aren't school, where half your grade is based on exams. Even though I pass tests all day, every day, sometimes you want a smooth ride to the top. Tests always have two participants, a taker and administrator. Without someone taking the test, the person giving the test is looking foolish. What are they going to do, test themselves?

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.