May 20, 2014

Moral Dilemma

Sometimes in life, we will be faced with moral dilemmas. Some are easier to solve than others. What is a woman to do if she's faced with this situation? Does she break the kids off something or does she keep the $2.5 million and continue living comfortable like she does already? It boils down to the woman's character. If she's a stand-up woman, she'll set up a trust fund for the children; that's what I would do if I was faced with this situation. When I say side chicks are coming for the crown, they're getting down for that #1 spot. Wives better step their game up. Even if a good woman is faithful to her husband, there's no guarantee that he will reciprocate. You really don't know someone like you think; you're not in their presence 24-7, and no one has time to trace their (wo)man's every move. Why did he wait until his deathbed to reveal this secret? Because he knew his wife would fire off on him. Women aren't playing that. In a way, I feel bad for the husband's wife because she had no idea.
This situation reinforces the importance of honesty. Had he came clean about the other woman, the wife would've had a reason to be upset, but in the end she would've respected his honesty. Was the wife not good enough for her husband? That's the only logical solution I can come up with as to why he had a side woman. Then again, some men aren't satisfied with just one good woman, they have to have extra. A woman of good character would think of the children first. She would put the $2.5 million in a trust fund for those kids to live on: Those kids would be able to go to college and graduate school off of that money. She's already living good, so what would an extra $2.5 million mean for her? There are many variables to consider: What if he had kids of HIS own by his original wife? So, he neglected his own family to take care of another family? That's usually what cheating husbands do when they're involved with a side woman that has children. When it comes to moral dilemmas like this, the children come first.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.