May 24, 2012

Showing The Goodies For Christ?

I got a good laugh off this picture this morning. I got the idea for this blog topic from my dude Jerome Bolden who shared this on his facebook page. How can a woman expect a man to wife her if she's showing her goods for the world to see? As I was reading the comments, another person pointed out that she shows her goods in order to bring men to Christ. I've seen a lot of crazy comments on FB but that one took the cake. Really? Getting naked for Facebook and want to get wifed up? That's not going to happen because the first thing people are going to think is you're a stripper. If you want to lead people to Christ, that's not the way. You have to show genuine concern for others well-being and exemplify Christ in your daily conduct; doesn't mean you won't miss the mark (you will) but you should have consistent progress. I don't know what's worse..her comment or she ACTUALLY believed what she said. The truth of the matter is that no real man is going to respond to a woman getting naked for the Lord unless he has ulterior motives. At best, she will attract pervert attention and someone with bad intentions may try to do harm to her. The whole time she's showing her goodies, she's demanding respect can a woman expect a man to respect her if she doesn't respect herself? That's like asking a thief to stop stealing but you make it so easy for him/her. If a woman wants respect from the opposite sex, she has to conduct herself in a worthy manner because a REAL man wants a respectful woman that he can take home to meet his parents, someone he wants to build a life with and someone that will have his back through thick & thin. I want to say the woman that shows her goodies for Christ was joking but honestly, she may be dead serious. If that's the case, then God help us all. The last thing a man is thinking about is Jesus when he sees female flesh, come on somebody.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.