May 11, 2012

Light Skin vs. Dark Skin

For as long as I can remember, there has been a team dark-skin & light-skin divide among black women. This goes back to slavery times when light-skinned blacks were seen as the closest thing to white so they got special treatment from slavemasters. Light-skinned slaves were treated better than their darker counterparts and weren't subjected to harsher treatment like their darker counterparts. The moral is that if you have the right shade, you are entitled to special treatment. My personal view: I love black women whether they are light-skinned or dark-skinned, they're all beautiful to me. I don't see the point in this team dark/team light-skin foolishness. Sharen, one of my facebook friends posed this statement to me: Men preferring light skinned women over dark skinned girls because and I quote "they get the best of both worlds. The black girl shape with the white girl skin tone." Guess what? My ex told me that. I guess it assauges any guilt they might have over wanting a white girl but they don't get any ridicule from their mothers and other black women don't look at them funny because she's black but light or biracial. I've been thinking about her statement and it coincides with my view that many black men who are into white women see light-skinned women as the closest thing to white. Like the statement says, they get the best of both worlds with the black girl shape and white girl tone. It's like dating a white woman without ACTUALLY being with one.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.