Mar 7, 2013

Willing Participant

Why is it that women want me to talk about the lack of discipline that men have, all these babies that they are making, and all these women they are "running through", but get upset when I make a point to say that same lack of discipline also resides in women, because how else would a man be able to make all these "babies" if all these wombs weren't available to him? How else would a man be undisciplined, unless he was dealing with an undisciplined woman? How else would men be able to run through women, if women weren't passing their wombs like batons in a track meet? I mean really. If you want to know why all these men are able to do all those things, instead of asking them...why not ask the WOMEN that allow it by giving these men permission? I just love how I am told that Women are the source of everything, how we are the life force, you know all the stuff that makes being the source sound good, until I use this situation as an example, then all of sudden we aren't the source of everything lol. Which one is it? You can't be the source when it's admirable and convenient, but want to run when being the source places you in a less than favorable light.
My View: I've said it before, and I will say it again. People do what you allow. There's always a willing participant, someone who offers the opportunity and a taker. Always have been and always will be. If men weren't going to the coochie bank, the woman's womb would have to shut down. Just like businesses can't survive without customers, the source can't survive without a willing participant. Women are the source of everything, life included. A man will always go as far as a woman lets him. It baffles me that women get upset when one of their own calls them out, but think nothing of it when they let men run up & through them. Some women should be upset at these men who hit & run. A real man seeks out a disciplined woman. A disciplined woman respects herself enough to give it up to the right man. It's like a used car: The more mileage, the more problems that vehicle will have. It's the same with some women, the more men they let in HER house, the more these men are going to eat her out of house & home. Sooner or later, she will have nothing left to give to a good man who comes into her life. The bitterness she carries as a result of feeling used; she expects future men to pay for her mistakes. If a woman chastises one of her own, it's out of love & respect. She respects her fellow sister enough to want the best for her. She doesn't want her fellow sister to become a statistic. If some women want to be treated as sperm banks, let them.

Look Ma, No Hands

Nojma Reflects
Ok, Let's see if I Got It. First you tell me that the Black Woman is "strong" because she has to hold it down, because the man that SHE chose turned out to be a shiftless bum(let her tell it), and how she is Independent, intelligent beyond comprehension, she is the new age woman, she doesn't need a man to do anything for her, but wait for it......when it comes to men, well the men that "dog" her out, she all of a sudden becomes defenseless, and incapable of comprehension or discernment.

It seems to be instantaneous. I mean how does this "strong, independent, lettered woman" turn into this helpless creature?

I mean is she not coherent when HER virtue is being slid down HER waistline by HER OWN hands? I she having an out of body experience when SHE is laying on HER back? Ummm is she not cognizant when she parts heaven for him, signaling an invitation? During the "act" is she not aware of what is taking place? I mean TWO lay down, but some how, some way, when they BOTH rise, only ONE holds the consequences of the actions of BOTH?

So....during all this time that she is on her back, she is unaware, about what's going on in HER womb.....but isn't it amazing how AFTER she is so called dogged out, she IMMEDIATELY snaps out of that zombie like state, and miraculously she remembers everything bad that HE did?

Man...eff a thought he was a great escape artist? Puleeze! You haven't seen a great escape artist or a master illusionist until you see a woman "escape" accountability!

***look Ma! No hands!***
My View: What comes to mind is the famous saying, "The Devil Made Me Do It" or "I accidentally fell between his legs" LOL! So you mean to tell me a spell made you sleep with him? Deflection is not the move. If a man pulled this stunt, he would be clowned and be forced to man up and take responsibility. When you have two people who lay down with each other, BOTH are at fault. Someone gives an opportunity, the other capitalizes. It's that simple. Some women are good at playing the helpless role, they deserve a Grammy. Women are very skilled at playing the damsel in distress when it comes to situations like this. She was strong & independent before she parted heaven for him, but now she's the damsel in distress. I Got It. Anything to escape accountability, right? Shakes Head.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.