Mar 30, 2023

The Number 3: Lessons & Categories Of Friends

Repost: Moses Leo Ondungu

Samson's parents had known the secret of Samson's strength since his birth, yet they told no one (Judges 13:5).

The day Delilah heard of it, she told Samson's enemies and brought Samson down to ordinary

 (Judges 16:17,18) 


1. Everyone qualifies for your love, but not all the people you love qualify to know the secrets of your life! Because, some cannot handle it, and others cannot wait to trade your secret for personal gain! 

2. The enemy that will destroy you, will not come with a sword but with a smile! 

3. Learning to keep your friends' secrets is not only about trust, but destinies are at stake. Nothing can be more dangerous and painful than to share your secrets with your enemy thinking they are your friends! 


a.) Confidants - They will walk with you no matter how hard it gets. You need to be grateful if you have one

b.) Associates - They team up with you to achieve a common goal.....most of the time they compete for the same prize/goals with you! Be very careful with these kind, they may push you down in order to win the prize

c.) Comrades - They team up with you just to fight a common enemy. They will be gone once the enemy is should not be worried when they leave, they were there for a season.



🔥🔥🔥I don’t know what else to say, but this word was 🔥. Very few people have confidants, because that’s a title you shouldn’t give anyone. Confidant is a title that comes with history; you have to see the person at their best & worst. If I’m blessed with confidants, I’ll cherish them. Honestly, I’ve seen too much shadiness in people to be vulnerable, so for me, I’m selective in who I choose to get to know, because I refuse to share confidential information to snakes 🐍. That’s what got Samson in trouble, he let his guard down with Delilah and she had him set up. My destiny is too valuable to be sidetracked by snakes 🐍 & rats 🐀. Everyone qualifies for my love, but they don’t qualify to know my secrets because some cannot handle it. Great Message!

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.