Jan 17, 2022

Christians' One-Sided Stance On Abortion

I get it, Christians are to protect the sanctity of life; and abortion goes against that. Unlike many Christians, I can see both sides of the abortion debate: While life is precious, I also believe that children should be born under the right circumstances. When it comes to the abortion debate, Christians are so one-sided. They scream pro-life, but do any of them consider why some women choose to have an abortion, such as: The risk of having a disabled child, or what about the woman who was sexually assaulted? Is it right to pressure her into keeping a baby born under hellish circumstances? Let's be real, it's a slap in a woman's face to pressure her to keep a baby that was conceived by terrible means. I'm aware of the popular statements Christians make, such as: God can take what was meant for evil & use it for good, or he can make beauty out of ashes. I know that, but how does that help that woman? Her genetic counselor suggests abortion because her child was found to have multiple disabilities. As she ponders the information, she feels she's not strong enough to raise a special needs child, so she does what's best for her and decides to abort the baby. Some Christians don't get how difficult raising special needs children are unless they've been through it. It's easy to criticize, but it takes effort to try to understand why some women feel like abortion is their only way out.

What about the baby who came into this world through rape? How is the mother going to explain to her child that their mom was raped and that's how (s)he was conceived? I didn't believe this until I found out, but: In some states, a rapist has parental rights even if the child was conceived through a violent act. Wow...just wow. What kind of mess is that? A rapist being able to see their child is forcing that woman to relieve that tragedy, and it's dead wrong. I don't stand for that.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.