May 14, 2013

ABSENTEE FATHER: "Dead Beat Dad or Sorry Mother"

The following commentary from Jai Duval is brutally honest & contains profanity, so excuse the cuss words. This needs to be told straight, no chaser.
I am just about TIRED of the EXCUSES that WEAK, NO BACKBONE, PATHETIC single and married males ALLOW females to use due to THEIR irresponsible and inappropriate SEXUAL behavior. Why is the MAJORITY afraid to simply tell it like it is?

By the way, THE LOVING MOTHER posted her child's face on the internet and I decided to hide the identity. As usual, here is ANOTHER FEMALE that will even USE HER CHILD to get back at a man for HER irresponsible actions.


This DOES NOT APPLY to mentally retarded females that are incapable of making rational decisions.

This DOES NOT APPLY to females who have been forcibly ABDUCTED, continuously RAPED until she conceives and gets pregnant, KEPT CAPTIVE until child birth and then the male simply ABANDONS her and the child or children.

This DOES NOT APPLY to females with a child or children who's father is not present due to unfortunate and uncontrollable circumstances (criminals incarcerated or died due to their activity does not count)

This DOES APPLY to every other female regardless of race, color, creed, religion, education or economic status that the above does not apply to.


Anyone that knows me know that I have a GENUINE concern for decent people be it adult or child. I am especially concerned about a child's development such that they grow up with a positive attitude thus becoming a respectful and productive member of society.


Oprah Winfrey’s recent series, "Life Class - Fatherless Sons".

Sadly, the United States leads the world in fatherless families, with one-third of American children growing up without their biological father. Nearly 40 percent of children in father-absent homes have not seen their dad during the past year, and more than half of all fatherless children have never been in their dad's presence or home.

If you had the opportunity to view Oprah’s "Fatherless Sons" episode, you would have witnessed the deep anger, hurt and emptiness that was so evident on the faces of the 150 men in her audience.


1. ARE WE GOING TO SIMPLY SAY THAT FEMALES ARE INCAPABLE OF MAKING MATURE and RESPONSIBLE DECISIONS? I can go along with that IF she publicly states, "I am incapable of making responsible decisions when it comes to sexual behavior and therefore I can't be blamed for getting knocked up by some dead beat that just want some pussy".

2. WHY ARE THESE SONS FATHERLESS? Has anyone bothered to examine HER behavior and just maybe it was LEAVE or GET ARRESTED FOR BEATING HER TRIFLING and VIOLENT ASS?

3. WHY ISN'T HER POOR CHOICE IN A MAN THE REASON? The dead beat male (which there are many) seems to be the perfect EXCUSE to divert from her choice in him.

4. WHY ISN'T SHE BEING QUESTIONED REGARDING RESPONSIBLE SEXUAL BEHAVIOR? There are more than enough methods available to prevent pregnancy and there is the "Plan-B" pill to increase her chances of preventing conception.


I do EXPECT mature, responsible women (that are concerned about children) to realize that THEY DO have CONTROL over the types of males THEY WILLINGLY CHOOSE to engage in responsible or irresponsible sexual behavior with.

I do EXPECT scandalous, immature, irresponsible Ho's and Bitches (that don't give a shit about anyone but themselves) to argue with me therefore it would be a waste of time trying to make my point with them.

I do EXPECT the RETARDED females to MAYBE argue with me but I understand their lack of ability to comprehend fully therefore it would be a waste of time trying to make my point with them.
 My $.02: I co-sign & pay the full note with interest on this! It's funny how men are crucified for being deadbeats, but if some women don't take responsibility for their child(ren), she gets sympathy: She doesn't have the funds, where is the father, etc. It must be great to be a woman in today's society: You get immunity, and special treatment. You know something, getting some women to take responsibility for their poor choice in men is too much like right, and we all know women are Daddy's Little Girls, raised to feel as though they can do no wrong. Many women don't object to the favor shown them because they benefit. Why would you object to special treatment? That would be silly. In the end, it's the child who suffers because in cases with boys, a mother CANNOT teach a boy how to be a man. She can teach him aspects of manhood: Responsibility, loyalty, respect, and independence, but she will never be able to impart manly wisdom. Only a man can teach a boy about manhood, just like mothers can only teach daughters how to become women. Sadly, the United States leads the world in fatherless families, with one-third of American children growing up without their biological father. Nearly 40 percent of children in father-absent homes have not seen their dad during the past year, and more than half of all fatherless children have never been in their dad's presence or home. I feel like this: Just like men are expected to take responsibility for getting a woman pregnant, women should be held accountable the same way for letting him get up in her cooch.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.