Sep 23, 2015

Top 5 Realest Tweets

God: Final Prognosis

Anyone who's saved & is involved in their church's prayer & healing team can attest to this: People come to church asking members to pray for their healing or that of their loved ones. Whether it's a child diagnosed with Autism or any other medical condition, it's human nature to go by the doctor's prognosis. Anybody who's walked with God long enough can co-sign being a little worried when they get that doctor's report, but some people's faith is strong enough to where they disregard the doctor's diagnosis and go by God's prognosis. God's prognosis says by his stripes we are healed. That's easy if you're walking with God, but if you don't know Christ, it can be difficult to trust God for your healing unless you have a loved one interceding on your behalf. It boils down to how strong a believer's faith is. If a believer's faith is rock solid, no diagnosis can shake them because they know God gives the final prognosis, and God's prognosis is healing. If a believer's faith is lukewarm (their faith is sometimes strong & sometimes weak), then any trial is subject to rock their world until they learn to put their faith in God, not man. Man can do so much, God does the rest.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.