Jul 1, 2013

A Time To Fight, A Time To Chill

Ever since Adam & Eve disobeyed God, life has been a struggle. Between unemployment, and kids being born with disabilities, some people are born with a good start in life, others have the odds stacked against them. That's the mark of living in a fallen world. How much fighting does one do before (s)he wants peace? At some point, you want to kick back, and relax. No one wants to fight 24-7, I know I don't. I've been fighting all my life (still do to this day), and now I just want to kick back and relax. I want a taste of Easy Street. Then again, when your back's against the wall, you find out how strong you really are. The Bible speaks on seasons: There's a time for laughter, and a time for grief. A time to live & die, etc. Everything happens according to season. Some people experience difficulty early on in life, others experience it later. Both aren't necessarily wrong, it's just that we're all different, so each person has their own story to tell. The more battles you face, the more accustomed you become to fighting. Is this a good or bad thing? Yes & No. Yes, because testimonies come from tests. No, because you should want to have good times in life. Even the most battle-tested warriors want times of peace. They want to be able to let their guard down, and enjoy life. There was a Lizard Lick Towing episode that dealt with this very issue: Ron Shirley, owner of Lizard Lick Towing received a business proposal from a crooked businessman Lars Dixon. Lars offers Ron a hefty sum of $ if he forks over his company. Ron accepts the check, but Lars throws a curveball. The curveball was that Ron's crew would be without jobs, and after Ron realizes the mistake, he gets his company back because Ron's cousin was going undercover for Lars, feeding Ron intel about how Lars is cooking the books. Long story short, Ron had to fight hard to get his company back, and now that he has his company back: He learned that everything that glitters, isn't gold. Sometimes, you can chill too hard, and be caught off guard by a situation. At least when you were doing battle, your guard was always up so nothing could get by you. I said all that to say this: There's nothing wrong with being a fighter, but you should also want to kick back sometimes. There's a time to fight, and a time to start living. I think I want to start living.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.